L_Legomaster - My Self-MOC

Hey look, the other legomaster! :stuck_out_tongue:

Love the little robot buddy! The updated MOC itself still looks rather scrawny. How about using some tires on the CCBS bones or at least switching the limbs around to maintain consistency?

That blue chest piece now looks out of place (there are no other similar colours or textures on the MOC).

BTW, your photography is pretty good, but I think you’ve got a few too many pictures. Try to showcase your entire MOC in one main picture (that you show first) and then show a few of the most interesting details that weren’t visible in the main pic afterwards. Also, try separating your photos. They look all squished together currently.


WHAT! When did Plural’s Quick review come back!?

actualy, i did do tires on the bones (rattle me bones)
even though i thought it would looks steryotipicle

True, many people have used the tire technique. But that doesn’t change the fact that your MOC would look much better with the tires then without them.

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The MOC itself is ok…but is that a Shadow Matoran good guy in the last pic?

idk, i actualy wanted to make a normal good guy, but i do not have the right arms.
imagine what you want d00d :sunglasses:
everything is cannon if you want it to be (eccept when the creator makes it un-cannon)

clarification for legomaster

But that doesn’t change the fact that your MOC would look much better with the tires then without them.

actualy, i did do tires on the bones

Ah, okay. The fact that none of your most recent pics had tires on the limbs confused me. BTW, your quoting there is broken (I don’t get a notification when you quote like that, I recommend ensuring an @ is present before the user’s handle).

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