Let's Write a Story Together! (Less Chaotic Edition)

On the nintendo swatch

And step four…
Take over the throne of

(You mean step 4)

But first he needed to ally with target becouse

John Cena was in a partner ship wit Walmart

Because Walmart owned the rights to his personal line of hair care products aimed at

Insecure old men. John cena suddenly encountered a mysterious cloaked figure, who said…

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“Um, is there someone here? I can’t see you”

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“Let me turn on the lights,” said john cena…

despite the lights already being on.

The figure threw down their hood, revealing themself to be…

Squidward in a dress

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and all the guys started swooning over him when

a large, burly, muscled woman walked in and pushed Squidward aside, saying…

“Why a octopus is wearing that dress?”

Squidward then slapped the burly guy and said, “I hate octopuses!”