Machine Wars - Escape from Cybertron

“Should…we send…some…to scout…it out?” He asked.


“I…don’t know.” He answered.

Drill Bit just arrived, turning into his robot mode next to them.
“First!” he yelled, happily.

“Shh…” Transwarp hissed quietly, “There may…be…Vehicons…nearby.”

“Good point,” Forager admits.

“Ah…” Drill Bit said, lowering his tone.

“Right…” he said as he started climbing the bridge up to the tower.

In the moment of silence, Gigatread’s thunderous foot steps. One after another. The sound, much like everything else about him, was impossible to miss or overlook.

“Shhhh!!!” Manta tried to shush him down.

Transwarp looked for a place to hide in case the need arose.

“That’s pretty much what I was for my crew. It’s insane some of the stuff I’ve lived through.”

“Oh. Apologies.”
He said quietly, a little embarrassed.

He tried to step lighter. To put less weight on each foot. And while it helped, the sound was still noticeable.

Just as everywhere else, there were piles and barricades of rumbles around the tower.
No Vehicons, however, could be seen. Iacon is suspectly silent as the sun slowly rises.

“Heh. Ture. And then there is…” Halfshell started, before suddenly stopping. It was clear that this last former Seacon was a personal case for him.

“Transform to robot mode, or else you will not even be able to enter the tower!”

“What? Don’t wanna talk about it?”
She asked.

“Good idea.”
Gigatread converted to his robot form. The ■■■■■ itself making a fair amount of noise. And then he continued forward. His footsteps still not quiet, they were far better than before.

“I guess you could just say that Turtler, the leader of the Seacons before me, was a my nemesis.”

“OK, now that we (OOC: Presumably) are all here, we should think this one through, and quickly before any jet patrol shows up. Should we just enter in and go for the computer, or should we send a scout patrol first?”

“A nemsis you say? Well now, count me interested.”
Razorclaw said.

“I’ll tell you about him later. Now we arrived.” he said as he slowed his phase.
In front of them would span a large neighbourhood, with multiple offline Vehicons standing on the streets. They didn’t seem to be dead, on the contrary: they seemed to be “sleeping” to preserve their energy.
“The Seacons are somewhere inside there…” Halfshell said as he stopped for Razorclaw to get off him.

The predacon hopped off and transformed into beast mode.
“Alright. What’s the plan?”

“They all seem to be sleeping.” Halfshell said as he his behind the corner of some building. “However, the sun is slowly rising. I say we go there, try to find them all before they wake up, and then leave.” Halfshell said, sending Scaleraker a notification via his built-in computer, telling them that they have arrived.

“If you want I can run in and scout out the area. I’m fast and I’m quiet. I can get in, find your friends, and come back to tell you where they are before they ever know I was there.”

He nodded.
“Fine. Do so. Go.”