Machine Wars - Escape from Cybertron

She would slid by unnoticed.

“Guys, I found an elevator!” Beetle said, as he pointed to, shock, an opened elevator.
“The computer has to be at the upper levels.” Manta said out loud.

Forager looks for a console.

“Why don’ we make sure?” he says.

“I bet my wings that it is in the council’s main room. See if you can find it.” Manta said, approaching him.

“Lemme see if there’s a console…” Forager says, doing just that. His gaze sweeps the lobby.

There would be a secretary desk nearby, which would probably have a map of the tower.

Now inside, she continued to look for the seacons.

She would not be able to find the Seacons. However, she would be able to find a huge pile of weapons: the Seacon’s weapons.

Finally. Something I can work with.
She thought. The predacon approached the weapons and looked them over. Holding one in her claws, she smelled it. If these were their weapons, they would no doubt carry their scent. And with a scent, any good predator could find it’s target.

Sea Phantom’s gun would questionably smell like fish.
Razorclaw would soon be able to feel the Seacon’s smell from nearby.

Forager checks to see if the console had a port compatible with his data spike.

It would, and the monitor of the desk would automatically open, at Forager’s command.

She sniffed the air until she found her trail. As soon as she found her hook she bolted off in that direction, taking the most direct path while still avoiding detection.

The smell would be leading into an alt-mode shop right vis-a-vis of the train station.

She dahsed inside and looked around. She didn’t know what most the seacons looked like, but she figured she would know them when she saw them.

Dashing in wouldn’t be a great idea, as not one, not two, but three Vehicon generals were inside the only room of the shop.

Razorclaw halted. Stopping dead in her tracks just before she could be seen. Drones were one thing. She could take on an army alone no problem. But generals were a different beast.

She took another deep whiff of the air. The seacons were definitely in there. But she’d need help getting them out.

She had the intel she needed. With it, she ran back to Halfshell to relay her findings.

Halfshell was waiting her where she left him.

She ran up to him and changed to robot mode.
“I found your friends, but getting them out isn’t going to be as easy as I hoped.”
Razorclaw said, and then shared everything she had seen while scouting out the area.

“Have you seen Scaleraker too?”

Transwarp had deployed his guns and was keeping a nervous eye on the group’s surroundings in case of an ambush or security.