Machine Wars - Escape from Cybertron

She once again nodded, before pressing on the 129th button of the elevator. The doors closed, and the elevator took off.

Forager holds his pistols up towards the ceiling, expecting to be attacked when the elevator came to a stop.

“Just in case…” he murmurs.

Transwarp still seemed very nervous as they progressed.

“Are you always that precautions?” Beetle somewhat ironically asked him.

“You OK?” Manta asked him.

“Yup,” Forager replies.

“You do you I guess…” Beetle mumbled for himself.

“Something…feels…wrong.” He said, “But,…I don’t…know…what.”

Manta stayed silent as he looked at him.

“I feel ya,” Forager agrees with Transwarp.

The young Predacon’s eyes darted about nervously.

OOC: Is she looking for something?

OOC: Nah.
IC: After quite the wait (seeing that the elevator would have to go up 129 levels), the elevator’s doors would finally open.
In front of the survivors would span a relatives narrow hallway, stretching to left and right, with a window at the end of each end. Across the hallway there were few doors leading into different rooms. One of them, the only one on the opposite wall, placed right in front of the elevator, was significantly larger and made out of a thicker metal. The door was significantly buffed down, as if a great beast tried to smash it open, seemingly from the inside.
The doors were barely holding on, but they were still open, making it possible for the group to enter inside the room.
“I think thing we’re searching for is in inside.” Drill Bit said as he left the elevator.
“Ya think?” Beetle mockingly asked as he followed him.
@Chromeharpoon @BlackBeltGamer98 @meepinater


Transwarp said nothing, his eyes darting every direction they could for anything amiss.

“So… Who wants to enter in first?” Mant asked, her voice betraying holded back fear.
“Not me, nu-uh!” Beetle said, vigorously shaking his head.
“Me neither.” Drill Bit added.

Transwarp began to carefully enter the room, ready to book it if danger presented itself.

Forager hangs back behind Transwarp.

“Uh… we sure what we’re lookin’ for’s in there?” he asks with a nervous chuckle. “I mean, there’s all these other doors to kick down…”

“Only…one way…to…find out.” Transwarp said nervously.

The room was echoing at each of their steps, as a sign that it was way bigger than what the survivors might have expected. All of the windows were blocked, leading to only an insignificant ammount of sunlight to come out of the windows.
There was, however, a source of red light somewhere in front of the group.

Transwarp hid behind the door and tried to see if he could get a peek at what the light’s source was.

It appeared to be a neon circle around the edge of a round table. There were also some chairs around it.

“Anyone…got a…lamp?” Transwarp asked the group.