Majestic League (RP topic)

Eventually, the caller stopped harassing the CoI. However, he may call back soon…

The infiltrator leaves the building before authorities could arrive, his phone signifing he had received payment.

Lucy walks home clenching her bag close to her.

A boy of roughly seventeen walks down a crowded sidewalk wearing a hoodie. It covered his head and face in shadow, and his hands were in his pockets.

The meta human known as Man - Power was studying a variety of diffrent screens, searching for oppertunites and weak points in a multitude of institutions.

Sadie smiled, walking out frome a shadowy wall after having murdered some random cult or some group like that. She still didn’t even know half the people she had killed over the years though that just meant less violent people on the streets to hurt other.

(I’m assuming we basically just post to check in until shadowrockboy190 joins?)

The boy stops in front of an alleyway. Inside a mugging is taking place. He walks in. “I’d suggest you stop.” He said.

The mugger points the gun at him. “Why, punk?! Put your hands up!”

The boy slowly drew his hands out of his pocket, revealing them to be metal. They rested by his head. “I warned you.” Green lasers shoot out of his palms, going right through the mugger and killing him. The boy turns and walks away, hands going back into his pocket, and leaving the woman behind, likely traumatized.

Hopping into a beat up van, Man-Power hit the ignition and checked his mirrors.

Solomon Key shambled along, clinging to alleyways and the darker portions of sidewalks. He was wearing a heavy coat and cargo pants, being the only things tough enough for him to not accidentally cut to pieces in a minute.

Even with his disguise, his ‘arms’ and ‘legs’ wobbled and staggered so stiffly and unrealistically that to anyone who got a good enough look at him, he either had some form of neurodisorder, or he wasn’t even human at all.

He stopped for a minute to redistribute the mass of metal shards making up his body. Everything was intensely boring, and he hated it. The ‘city of heroes’ proved to be the city of a lack of heroes, as crime was seemingly rampant. Several ambulances had already passed, heading to a fancy-looking, glass building a few blocks down, and a crowd was forming around the door. Switchblade spun on his heel (which almost tore through it) and continued on the other way.

Hydron was on a building, staying sliently and watched everyone go by, waiting for someone to call him.( As I said, he is a bounty hunter, works for everyone depending on the price of money, I would like to see a villain call him)

The boy turned down another alley and went into a door, into an abandoned warehouse.

Sadie licked her lips, eyeing some robbery or something going on before entering the store acting like a normal costumer though still watching as the guy tried to hide it “I’ll take a pack of gum.” She acted like she was about to pay much to the creeps annoyance.
“I was in line first hone…” he started to tell her as she formed a blade a cut clean through his legs “have I told you how much I love you right now?” She whispered to him, licking his severed limbs as she cut off his arms before cutting off the guys head and getting up. "
you’re safe now babe. He won’t be hurting you or anyone else anymore." She flirtatiously told the rightfully even more terrified girl working the counter before leaving through the shadows on the floor.

Man-Power carefully backed out of his driveway.

Dave Scott scours for another contract, he couldn’t stand to be within his luxurious home alone bought by blood, and by blood alone.

Man Power jammed to his favorite band while he drove down the street towards his destination.

The Controller of ice’s phone rang again. When he answered it, a woman was on the other end. "This is Bertha, your mission coordinator. Once you have completed your current task, you must travel to the ‘City of Heroes’. A threat seems, to be mounting there, and you may be the only one who can stop it. " Unknown to CoI, The gamemaster was holding Bertha at gunpoint and telling her. “I will discuss more details with you soon.” Bertha then hung up.

A guard enters a prison cell, “you’re William Dean, correct?” He asked, to which the prisoner nods
“Yeah, and wha-” he was cut off by a shot in the head, to which the guard’s facial features changed as he left the building, the security looking for someone who was supposed to be on vacation currently.

The boy pulled down his hood when he entered the warehouse, revealing the silver and green mask. He looked around. “Good place to stay for a while.” He mutters. “Not very conspicuous, and criminals might try to hide here. Like moths to a bug-zapper.” He smirks under his mask.

the CoI called back the number asking for an exact location

Sadie laughed, checking a request board she had set up to enjoy herself; every request always ended in a death though who she killed depended on details “oh. Obsessive ex?” She grinned, checking her facts before leaving her house to hunt down the next victim.
The next morning she laughed, watching the news as she saw the bloody flagpole she had implaled her latest victim on “so much evil so little time.” Sadie turned off the tv, heading out on errands.