"Makuta Building Contest" W.I.P.s and Finished Creations Topic

Don’t give up tho… there is a lot of time to get your work done.


I will begin work on my guy’s head

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You shouldn’t be entering a competition like this because you want to win. You should be entering in order to push yourself, in order to challenge yourself to explore new building techniques and MOCing styles. Don’t do it for the prizes. Do it for your own personal development as a MOCer.


I guess I didn’t make it clear enough I was joking XD! I’m not going to give up! I was trying to be sarcastic! I am very confident in my MOC. And I entered because I wanted to envest myself in the Bionicle community.

I gotta go be back in like an hour.


I might as well post my WIP makuta here. I tore down 5 of my mocs just for him so it had better darn be worth it. At least i learned some new techniques for myself along the way :stuck_out_tongue:

idk if i should stick with gold or replace it with silver. I also want to get purple or green to replace his current trans orange but thats gonna probably be done through a bricklink haul (which i’ve never done before)

yeah, yeah. One leg has some more bulk than the other and they both have blue but I have some pieces ordered to replace the blue.



Why does he have blue on his legs?

simply ran out of 3x7 black angles peices (or rather I only have one)

Looks dope.

Those shoulders are REALLY low

Goodness! So many of these look better than what I have so far! Eye izz scayered! :sob:

Heh, just kidding. I’ve still got a ways to go before I’m finished, and mine has some unique concepts that I’m sure will impress!

WIP of the legs. Still trying to figure out if I like the upper leg design. Right now, I’m going for the characteristic of traditional black armor with ‘protosteel’ knee and shin armor. Look closely and you’ll see how I incorporated masks into the knees like I wanted!

Comparison to my current Makuta G2 MoC, who’s about the size of an average Toa. This guy will be about low-mid Titan size, but he definitely won’t break 2’.


I do like it.

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wow its amazing

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What we could really do with is a universal set we could compare our MOCs with, so we can all get an idea of size and design.

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I don’t mean to be harsh but I’d say try and be a little more creative and don’t just take witch doctor and change some shells around.

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I said that already. :slight_smile:

Oh okay :sweat_smile:

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Looks really solid! Just the arms like you said.

@ComradeWolfie Does everyone have Tahu 2015? He could work. We could also use any Inika build with the Visorak limbs.


Hey guys! Ive revamp my creation dionysus into the first makuta! Wielder of the god hammer! Hope you guys like the improvements and new additions so far.


Woah. Mind blown.