"Makuta Building Contest" W.I.P.s and Finished Creations Topic

Good shout, someone should suggest that to one of the cast members or whoever you need to speak to about these things

my entry is still standing up without its bottom touching the ground for 6 hours now.
I know this may not seem interesting to any of you guys but considering my level of building skills and the pieces I had on hand, I am just surprised. This moc was more of a test for myself, using all the pieces I had available and the skills that I had gained over the years, making this moc my biggest and most complex moc yet.

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The creator was nearly disqualified for spamming other entries asking for likes.


as it stands right now, it has been standing for 8 hours now but I had to move it.Still showed no signs of giving way.
new update: 12 hours and counting

i wish good luck to all :smiley:

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Just a question from a contest noob. How do i know if i win or lose and when will i know? If someone could direct me to the answer that would be great

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in the comments on,on rebrick, the admin said that the winners will be announce on the 7th of September

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Hey, I think the way it works is that the winners are emailed this week and are officially announced on the seventh of October

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No they will be contacted then and announced on October 7

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when they will be contacted?

This week I think

Well, here’s my entry.

Not exactly winner material but I’m proud of it.


If I had any say in the judging of this contest, that would be my personal #1. I’m greatly impressed by that MOC.


I’ve just spent the past hour scrolling down the Makuta entries on rebrick and I can’t get over how many Teridax remakes there are haha


I bet theres more Kronkiwongis than anything


Oh my gosh, wow.

No, not a winner - but brilliant nonetheless.


I really love how that one is shaped, and the fact that it has those masks.


update to my entry: still no signs of giving way at 22 hours