Makuta Khru’Ki, Mutran’s answer

This is Makuta Khru’Ki, and he is known as Mutran’s answer because Makuta Mutran had the idea to engineer a toa-like Makuta, an idea which Teridax latched onto. He wears the Kanohi Virnaan, or mask of undeath. He (irl) has stability problems that will be fixed in future versions.


Now that looks cool. Maybe you could give him or her a wing flapping function. With smaller wings of course

The wings could be done better. The neck is too long, and you could add a chest plate. And put some armor on his arms. 9/10

Things I would change:
I would add some armour to the forearm, currently it is very bare
Switch out the lower leg armour for something else, it doesn’t look very makuta-like.
I would also change the feet to mata feet, as the HF feet are too big.
The neck is too long as well.

Overall I would say this moc is alright and needs work.

Holy s word that’s amazing!

Could use more bulk around the chest, it looks kinda plain and gappy in a bad way

Happy in a bad way?

Id add some black to the chest and clean up the back, and if possible add some clothes to the wings to look better. Other than that is pretty good

Sorry I meant to put gappy

What does undeath mean?

The mask of undeath takes a fraction of your energy over your life span, and upon dying gives the energy back to you to accomplish your last purpose.

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From the side view the wings look like some kind of giant hand or mouth.

@Omega_Tahu It also means that he can raise others from the dead.

@L.O.S.S-KAL Good, that’s what I wanted.

Edited for Double Post - Waj

That’s not how the canon Mask of Undeath works. I think the mask you’re looking for is the Tryna, which is Matoro Mahri’s mask.

As in it looks like the gaping dragon, really?

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How about “Mask of the Undead”

The Tryna allows people to bring the undead to life, granted that the user has the will power to do so and maintain it. That would probably work just as fine.

Thank you Sir.