Matorans Rise

“Yeah. We can start to pack up, if you want.”

”Yes. You never know if some Bohrok comes.”

After packing up, the group carried on through the woods. Eventually, they came across a Le-Matoran next to a ladder up to the treetops. ”Welcome to Le-Koro.” he said. Up the ladder there was a complicated system of huts and rope bridges between them.

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Coral climbed up first. “Here’s hoping we can find someone to help us!”
The group follows suit, and the come across a criss-cross network of bridges, huts, and platforms.

Many matorans mill around, doing everyday chores and jobs. A few of them glance at the newcomers, but other than that nothing happens.

ooc: Your characters may enter

One ta matoran glanced some more on the group “hey guys, where are you supposed to be from?” He asked" and what are you doing here?"

”Newcomers. How interesting.” Hina said After getting out of his hut.

“We’re just travelers.”

Coral shrugged. "We’re kinda from all over. We’re poking for someone to help us with a problem. My friend lived here, and we came to see if there is anybody else who could help.

“I CAN HELP!!” Taki said excited “With my new invention, the fire laser blaster!!” He said blasting mistakenly in a neighboring house, blasting through the roof “oops…”

Coral nodded. “Great! Welcome to our team. We’ll tell you what we’re doing when we can get a bit to ourselves.”

“Yay!!” Taki shouted excited “what do we actually do here?”

“Well, it’s complicated. First, thoygh, take this.” Coral handed Taki an elemental blaster. " it’s better than your current one. As for what we’re doing… We need to talk somewhere isolated. Is there such a place? "

As coral talked with Taki, and the matorans milled arouns, a darkly cloaked figure stops in the shadows, watching them.

“Seriously?! I have to take this? Ugh…” Taki wasn’t really thankful but finally accepted it. He felt something in his back “What’s…” He said turning around

He would we two dark green points of light staring at him from a shadow. The lights disappeared shortly after Taki looked behind him.

"I think i saw two eyes… it was someone…AND IT DISAPPEARED!! Taki was frightened but Radrix came "What happened here? He asked

The dark figure walked up behind Taki and rested his hand on his shoulder. “My apologies, I did not wish to scare you.” The figure said in a gravelly tone.

“AAAHH!!!” Taki screamed like crazy " You did!!! Who are you?"

”Ah. It’s good to see you.” Hina said to the shadow. ”He is an old friend. By the way, my name is Hina.” He explained to the rest of the group.

The shadow shrugged. “Korban.”

“So are we going to join these adventurers?” Asked Korban of Hina.

“W…w… What?!?” Taki was still confused. He looked awkwardly at Korban
“Calm down boy!” Radrix told Taki " there’s nothing to fear about"

”Perhaps. I just have to find a decent prosthetis.” At this point, the group noticed Hina stood on one leg with two staffs in his hands.