Matorans Rise

Buki walks around and talks to the villagers

“I think this village will be attacked too… Radrix said. We need to do something.”

Tarkur sits down by a tree and relaxes.

What will we do if we will be attacked? Radrix asked
Will we fight? Or run?

Malekai sat next to tarkur underneath the tree. He began sketching designs on a piece of paper. “So… you’re a ta Matoran… do you forge any weapons?” Malekai asked Tarkur.


“Usually, Rigth now did I hoped for some vacation.” He stated, disappointment could be heard in his tone. “Oh well you can’t get everything I guess.” He concludes.

Suddenly, a Su-Matoran runs into the village, out of breath and bruised. His eyes dart round suspiciously, before they settle on the group. “Who are you guys?” He asks in a gruff voice.

We are on a journey on finding where from belongs this chaos. Hi, i am Radrix. Did something happened to you? You Look so stressed!

“Oh, well I was just wondering…” Malekai said, returning to sketching. It was a design of some sort of sword. What it was exactly wasn’t clear yet.

Malekai looked up at the Su matoran. “My name is Malekai. Believe me, I’m just as confused about this whole situation as you are. How did you end up like this?” He asked. Motioning towards the bruises.

“What is your name?” Asked Radrix

“Ovrak.” The Su-Matoran replied, “My village was just attacked.”

“It’s okay, what do you do for a living.” He said

“Are there more survivors?”

@Monopoly kronan says, “you’re welcome to join us in our adventure, but now we must rest. Tomorrow, I will explain everything.”
@Antroz2007 “if we are attacked, we will defend the village to the best of our ability.”

Kronan gathered the group around him. “We must rest. Tomorrow will be a new day.”

“Let’s hope they will nort attack this night!”
“We really need some rest!”

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Kronan nodded. “Good.”

Tangi decides to go back to the other matoran.

“I design weapons and technology. I’m trying to help the matoran to better defend themselves.” Said Malekai.

“I see, so you got any intresting concepts?” He asks genuinely intrigued by this.

“Yes, but they were captured. It seems we share the same enemy.”