Mctoran-Verse wiki

So @Mctoran has made a wiki about his universe, members of his RP’s are helping

So if you have any questions about the lore and want to know about characters in his RPG universe, by all means, go on the wiki


So does this looophole work? It’s advertising but it’s also lore for RP’s

Remember those times when Wikipedia and the Wikis were used for actually useful things, that were relevant for more than 15 people?
In all seriousness before anybody accuses me that I am rude or that I am not giving valid criticism: go to the topic about this universe and read my reply and my opinion about this… “Universe”. I could give all of those points and more here, trying to make people understand how useless this Wiki is.
If you are taking it serious, do not write about my characters in TTV-MBverse, if it even is part of this universe.


You must be a Master to advertise for yourself or for others, period. -Prentice1215