☆MOC. Ʀetros The Pariah

Rackan was a prestigious Eshian scientist who fell in love with Zenn, a senator from the Council of Eshios. Fruit of this love she became pregnant. Tragically, after less than two months the fire that destroyed the Council reached Zenn and died the next day in a hospital. Their son had barely developed enough to survive outside of her, yet Rackan refused to lose the last memory of his wife and extracted the fetus from her womb. He created an optimal artificial environment and he had to create DNA changes in the fetus so that it could be adapted. Rackan got the baby to survive but the conditions in which it did it couldn’t develop sexual organs and it’s personality was undefined and unstable. The conservative government of Eshios didn’tt allow an event like this to take place, so they wanted Rackan dead. He, together with the baby baptized as Retros, hid from the authorities and they wasn’t found after seven years when he was murdered in front of his son. Retros managed to escape, now lost without even knowing his identity and role in the world.[…] Retros uses an adaptive suit created by its father that sticks to his body to allow him to survive on the outside. This protects it from physical impacts by transforming itself into rigid material and absorbing vibrations in the area of impact.

☆Drawing concept: Retros concept V2 by Darkraimaster99 on DeviantArt


I rather like the use of the metru blue with the red, nice work.

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Impressive construction, and neat color choices. For these reasons it reminds me of many of your other creations.

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Oh man. There’s so much to love about this one. The sword is great, the colors are slick, and the character concept is really neat.