My kaita ideas

These are my toa kaita ideas

A kaita are 2 toa fusing

All kaita are axl-figs

Gali and Onua = toa of mud = clayface-like powers

Pohatu and Tahu = toa of meteors = summon meteors

Kopaka and Lewa = toa of blizzards = summon blizzards and hailstorms


Are G3 kaita “canon”? Personally I’m not very fond of the idea of the kaita, but I do like your thoughts on them.


I dont think the kaita has been talked about on the podcast, so i dont know, also thanks!

Mud doesn’t seem like a very desireable element…


Mud could have similar abilities as say clay face from batman.

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What if they were to introduce the Mask of Fusion (which is approved in G1 by Greg Farshtey, although it is mentioned as powerless)? It could be used by a villain (possibly Makuta) to fuse multiple beings into a single entity. The following could be rules when using the mask:

  1. The wielder may fuse with no more than one being at a time (no simultaneous fusions) via direct physical contact whilst speaking the word “Fusion.” After the fusion, the wielder gains all of the power, knowledge, and skill of the other being. However, once these two beings are fused into one, the fusion counts as a single being. Therefore, another individual may be fused into the fusion.

  2. The wielder may only fuse two beings at a time. Both beings much be within the wielder’s range of sight whilst the wielder says, “Fusion.” The fused being possesses all power, knowledge, and skill of anyone fused into him/her. However, once these two beings are fused into one, the fusion counts as a single being. Therefore, another individual may be fused into the fusion.

  3. When two beings are fused together, the being with the most intense personality will assume full control, while the being with the less intense personality acts as a subconscious (Example: if Onua and Pohatu are fused together, and Pohatu possessed the more intense personality, Pohatu would assume full control while Onua’s wisdom and conservative nature would act as a subconscious). With each additional fusion, the fused being grows more mentally and psychologically instable.

  4. Any fusion may be undone if the mask is removed or the wielder says, “Fission.” All parties involved are reverted to their original states, although all memories and knowledge are able to carry over and overlap.


Yeah, but who wants to have mud powers?

I would certainly rather blizzard or magma…

I see your point. But clayface-like powers still could be a desirable ability.

Edited first post with power lists