Near-death experiences


Keravnos used a full Revive!
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So yeah, one time Not death, just fear relatedI was in a petstore and a Emperor Scorpion was trying to poke my eyes out through the glass, thus giving me major arachnophobia.
Two other times I actually DID almost die. I was at a water park, and I was in the Lazy river without a float, and when I swam under a group of peoples floats I got stuck under them for a couple minutes.
The other time was before I was born, I had been strangling myself with my umbilical cord!


Suicide at a young age


Lel, IT WASN"T MY CHOICE! I just really liked to do flips…

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[quote=“ToaKeravnos, post:67, topic:10209”]
I just really liked to do flips…
[/quote]Acrobatism at a young age?

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More or less.


Same here, but it was less of a near - death experience and more of a reason for mom to get a c-section.

We like to joke that it was because I was cold and decided to use the umbilical cord as a scarf.


I’ve got two stories. One wasn’t near death but the other was. First story, We were shooting fireworks and an artillery shell (firework canon basically) tipped over and shot all across the field, and story 2, I was at a beach and when I had gone out about 6 meters in to get to the sand bar. the under water current got really strong and started pulling me out to sea, and I was getting hit in the face by waves while trying to get some footing to get out of the water. I eventually made it out after about five minutes of struggling for air and footing. I’m not very good at swimming and can float at well as a 50 pound iron weight can in a pool.


Were you wearing a Kaukau? :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean for like a single minute, when I got back up I was gasping and sputtering and chocking. The ladies on the float were like, “Omigod, are you okay?!?”, and I just gave a thumbs up and swam away.

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Dude, you are just so chill

Indeed. I once was climbing a tree, and when the limb I was on snapped off and I hit the floor I just held a thumbs up.


I fell headfirst into a firepit. No real damage though. Thank mah lucky stars :stars:

I just realized I’ve almost died alot…That was one of the random ones.

I’ve also fell down in the middle of an intersection and almost got hit by three cars at once. One of the ladies stopped, got out of her car and said “Oh my, are you all right?”

I just coughed and sputtered that I was fine and ran to my house


Two years ago I went packrafting in the Oulanka National Park and had a dip as soon as we entered the rapids. It was fun.


When I was born I was blue with cold, had to be put in literally, a radiator to not die.

Had pneumonia when I was about three, shortly after my Nan died, it was so weird having giant bottles of water literally going in tubes to your mouth.

Just a month ago, there was this wall, about three feet tall, going onto a football pitch. I was on the other side, where it was pretty much level with the top of the wall. I had my old shoes on that day (thought we were going to the beach; was in camp) an I slipped on the wall as I was trying to jump on it and off to the pitch. I did a forward somersault, landing onto the back of my neck.

I could have easily broken my neck, though I had been doing strengthening excercises for it (had operations on it to loosen a part of it), which might of been the difference of it.

Could have easily not happened, if I had actually wore my proper shoes that die.





MITH stands for Most Ironic Typo Here.

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I’m dumb. :laughing:

Sounds like it could be a drug