Negetix, Crazed Mutation

Well, here we go. Negetix is my self moc, and is a strange build. Using the Vahki Eyestalk as a torso is interesting to say the least and was quite the challenge. This is my third version of Negetix and most unique out of all of them. His name and title are hard to explain without going into backstory, and it gets quite complicated from there and I’m not sure if people actually care that much. Feel free to tell me what you think of the Moc!


You’ve got a neat thing going with the silhouette, but parts of it look awkward. For one, his shoulders are a bit too low. Other than that, I’d say maybe just armor up the upper legs, or at the very least change them to black.


This is pretty cool! I like how the arms are built.

I like how he looks like,But he has uncovered joints.

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I get that, and I agree, but don’t say that about your own work.

Maybe try a different eye-colour? It’s a bit hard to notice the eyes as they’re green, yet at the same time a bit jarring as it’s a different green.

Upper arms and legs are a bit skinny, also the shoulders are too low.


It is the same green in the eyes, but it looks weird frontlit. If you light it from the back, it looks fine.