Neverending Story

This story is 3 mlg 5 me

seriously, it’s all mlg/gaming jokes…

And then they woke up.
But seriously,
Who leaped from the screen,

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Yer gun have to deal with it bub.

and rekt all the scrubs

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Until the Rebbelion

Stopped being such scrubs and

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Decided to create life

Which derailed the story, again. <–Sentence stops here…

Such derailment destroyed all…

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Existence, reality and plot, really…

End so the never-ending story…

Got even more confusing, causing…

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this might be over the word limit

Political Slime to become President

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Depends about hyphens…

of the universe, ruling the…

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and rebel against Eljay, who

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Ate the Pieces

.<-- End of a sentence, YUM YUM! <-- Yet another ending…

the world, appalled at the

I’ll update the condensed version when i get home

carnage that had transpired, decided

To fly off into space,

only to become hopelessly lost.

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