Okotan Adventures (RP Signup)

Name: Eric
Element: Shadow
Equipment: War Scythe, Sword, Backpack that grants one of six powers at a time. based on the Gen 1 kanohi Speed, Strength, intangibility, Shielding, flight, and teleportation. These must be replaced every once in a while, allowing them to be replaced with different powers.

Bio: He’s a shadow matoran. Somehow. Lived alone for a while because nobody likes shadow matoran.


(Giggles excitedly). What do I win? What do I win?

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I assume the powers of the backpack are going to be reasonable, and not overpowered? If so, he’s good.

Internet Points, redeemable at your local [PLACE NAME REDACTED]


I mean, they’re based on Gen 1 kanohi powers, so they can only be as OP as the original kanohi could be. In this generation their probably created from the element crystals.

Depresso Expresso :100:


Let’s hope you will play this time.

Can I do a villain character? If not here was my idea. He is meant for a plot line, but isn’t needed for the conclusion (I think).

Name: Orchestra (Symphony)
Element: Water
Equipment: His favorite knife, a side-sword, dark cloak that blends in the shadows.
(NOT A RAPIER, they get very confused often…Side-swords a lighter than rapiers and rapiers are actually as heavy as a arming sword)
Appearance: Blue, rusted black, with pieces of his body falling off. He will do nothing, but destroy everything Geet cares about. His crimson armor creates a almost chilling sight. He looks almost dead, but is alive.
Bio: Symphony was spared by his new master… Now in turn he follows this masters beckons under the name, Orchestra. He will do anything and everything to destroy Geet, even killing his old friends in the process. He is insane. He is messed up. He is going kill you if you stand in his way…Laws have no bearing on him…just his mission.
Plays as villain.

What y’all think?



Can you decide who the master is… I was personally thinking Makuta, to explain his “living” condition.

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OK,sounds good.

Seems cool, but there are a ton of villains in the RP right now. But I’m not the GM. :slight_smile:

Name: Pheore
Element: Fire
Equipment: Twin single-edged wakizashi (like a katana, but shorter. Katana are meant for two hands, wakizashi for one.)
Appearance: Pheore’s armor is a polished red accented with white. The white speaks not to an icy heritage, but to a past need for individuality.
Bio/Personality: Back during the skull spider incident, Pheore ran away from home and joined a group of bandits. In the end, she betrayed that group and lead to their downfall. She has grown into a spirited and mostly loyal warrior for her region, but her past makes it a bit difficult for many to trust her.


Is it too late for me to join?

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I think you could (though I really don’t have a say in anything.) :slight_smile:

Accepted, and @L.O.S.S-KAL it’s never too late.

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What’s currently happening? I haven’t been paying attention for a while. (Just wondering so I know when and what to do with Pheore.)

Ekimu just talked to the group about the tournament, after they failed to recover the masks of Time and Space.

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So now would be a good time for her to show up having just heard about it?

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Name: N’ghaor
(pronounced Na-GA-ore)

Appearance: images coming soon
Personality/Bio:A cold calculating scavenger who seeks profit from the victory (or failure) of others.Desires a destiny “worth himself” However he will keep this to himself. Enjoys reminding others of the odds and the tactical advantage they give him.If short on money he has been known to sell equipment.Entered the tournament to "give himself a tactical advantage when scavenging of 0.42%
Equipment: Lumis and Nox Lumis is a relatively powerful laser drill while Nox is a mechanised sheild/pickaxe/cutterclaw/sword