Okotan Adventures (RP Signup)

Bio update for Kryuin: Kryuin’s father was named Inder, and was a mask hunter/adventurer. Kryuin’s mother’s name was Zohna. Not long after Kryuin was born, the two fell on very hard financial times, barley being able to provide for their son. Then, Makuta offered Inder a job as his mask hunter. Inder was reluctant at first, but decided to take the job due to him thinking that he had no other options, and did not want his family to starve. They then had Kryuna later on. Eventually, when Kryuin was around 8, and Kryuna 2, they were found out and his parents were visited by the protecters and killed. Kryuin and his sister stayed in the cellar and hid. Kryuin was able to watch his parent’s death through a small great while hiding. After that, one of Inder’s old adventuring friends took pity on Kryuin and decided to hire him as a page of sorts. There he learned how to fight, hunt, and even how to repair weapons. He worked under him till he was 16, then began working on his own. @Runa If any of this does not fit, just tell me. :slight_smile:



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General Info

Name: Piko
Element: Stone

  • Grappling Hook
    • Piko’s grappling hook allows him to scale tall mountains, cavernous depths, and rocky cliffsides with relative ease. He is unafraid to use it as a weapon in times of need, though.
  • Smoke Bombs
  • The desert is filled with many dangers. So, of course, is the rest of the world as well. It doesn’t hurt to have a couple of these on your person in case one needs to perform a sudden act of escape.
  • A Box of Loaded Dice
  • They are a handy tool in case somebody decides to be foolish enough to settle a dispute with Piko over a game of chance. The box also makes a funny sound when you shake it; what fun!

General Appearance

Piko is a timid person compared to most of his kind but otherwise pretty average. To say that there isn’t anything particularly interesting about him is a gross understatement. People like him are dime a dozen. Most villagers find him remarkably unremarkable. He likes it that way; going about his business without anybody interrupting.

Attire and Clothing

His mask was classical. Every other denizen of Okoto had one like it, though Piko’s was somewhat worn, and chipped in one of the corners. The rest of his clothing was either brown or beige. He would usually cover his head and left shoulder with a tattered piece of fabric. It was probably the most daring outfit in his wardrobe. Granted, of course, it was also the only one.


Piko is a freelancer, a rascal through and through. He shared many characteristics with most scoundrels. For one, he was selfish. For another, he was free-spirited and hated orders. And lastly, he was a cheater and a sore loser; a very sore loser. That much almost everybody knew about him.

However, people who actually met him reached further threefold judgment: that he was friendly, that he didn’t really take them seriously, and, oddly enough, that he was somewhat empathic.

@Runa - Here is my boy, I might make some artsy art for his appearance as a reference. Lemme know if anything needs fixing. :>



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Can you brief me on the lore and developments so far, hun?

Not exactly in the mood for reading 7K+ messages.

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Let me just tell you the this, this was supposed to be a standard, ‘weak’ character RP… Sun’s not that in anyway (luckily his arc is dying down and I’m finally going to be able to get back my character, who’s the reason for Sun’s creation, again.)

Then again this a Runa-tm RP so… that’s to be expected.

Gotta love a GM who allows for justifiable (and ‘insane’) revenge plots/ideas.)


I don’t need to you need to know ABSOLUTELY everything. Ekimu called a group of Okotosns (our characters) to find some masks. The group went to some journey, fought with monsters/bad guys, and ended up playing in a tournament. We are heading towards the tournament for the second round. You can show up and talk to a character, which could tell you more.

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Thanks for the answers, hunnies. Imma gonna jump in as soon as I’m ready.

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Welcome, enjoy and expect chaos at every turn.

(If a reference to what I mean is wanted, I’ll show you Sun’s signup.)

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Is the arena you guys were talking about the one in the City of the Maskmakers?

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From what I can tell so far, yes.

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Yes. It is there.

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Oh mata nui someone hit the lever please


2015 animated series onua hit the lever


hold on


A funny meme but I am afraid that this game is not how the tournament is being carried out. And I apologize if I am being a buzzkill.

darn well some one better do something clumsy

EDIT:so probably should of informed people 'bout some important facts about Nahgor mainly the fact that he can get easily startled but only really fears three things: being forgotten/replaced, being judged (hence why he is so reserved) and fire (which he refers to as “chunks of Kahrzani”) not because of a traumatic accident or anything but simply because he finds it difficult to get to sleep and has an active imagination; this leads him to thinking “what if I was trapped in a burning building? would anyone come? would they help me or the fire?”

Sorry for that load of grimdark here is a picture of tahu

I made a little mistake with Symphony’s sword…
I was double checking stuff when I realized that a side-sword is actually heavier by seven ounces. So not that big difference in weight that I thought there was. (Though thinking about it, it wouldn’t change his strategies at all) [thanks to flexible strategies]

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