Okotan Adventures: The Adventure Continues

As was Blaze.

OOC: Would Vladin see Blaze?

OOC: Vladin could probably see Azure heading for the forge. If his anywhere near the forge that is.

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Echo wanders around the city, having no clue what to do.

Choroko was still with him and was worried about Athena.

“Hey Echo, I think we should find Athena before anything else happens,” she says to him.

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“Good idea” He nods

Pheore watches them from a nearby rooftop.

Capella wonders where her allies might be and heads towards the Forge. She walks up, looking for anyone she might recognize. Their plan is simple, gather allies and attack as just the two of them, while the allies would flank or cover the escape. Capella thinks that this Rye, just might have body guards, it would be stupid if he didn’t.

Rye mocks Dax,
“And who are you?!”

Dax glares at him,
“A guardsman of this fair city.”

Rye is shocked by his response and heads to leave. Dax follows making sure Rye does leave.

Symphony and Sonata gather all the information they need. They head onto the streets, looking for this Rye. They are still cloaked, though a rumor or two might spread about a “Leafe” with a strange mask.

Krona began walking toward the forge.

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Izin sees her as he was walking down the steps.

She doesn’t seem to notice him.

Vladin was still looking for Kryuna…

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If he was near the forge, he would see her walking towards it.

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He saw her and ran towards her.

Kryuna didn’t seem to notice him.

When he got closer, Vladin stopped next to her, breathing hardly.
“Kryuna… please… Sigh… Where is your brother…?”

Kryuna continuad walking a few steps before stopping.

He said, trying to control his breath.

“He-he’s dead.” She said, tensing up.

Vladin looked at her, then he smiled.
“Come on…! Where is he?”