Okotan Adventures

OOC: Nah, Not Tekan. He’s been hardened by a isolation and a lot of death, all of which he blames upon himself.

He’s actually kinda depressed now that I think of it… just kinda buries it underneath who knows how many layers of pure pissed-offness…

Funny thing is how restraining this is by playing as Sun and not Tekan! Sure, Sun’s evil and all that, but he’s not cruel, fully. He’s not one to torture, maybe scare, frighten, and just all around ‘eff with, but if he’s going to kill you it’s going to be fast, and kinda painless.

Tekan wise, he’ll beat you down and keep on going until he’s satisfied, and if you’re not dead by then, well, unless he really hates you, he’s going to leave you like that.


Also, Tekan does see Makuta in a semi-better light than most others.
He was an impressive mask maker, only one to make a mask like he did, and he’s at least somewhat ‘kinder’ when talking of him over Ekimu… who he really does not like…

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OOC: I mean N’Ghaor is just salty about the toa as he thinks that they are the reason for the matroan weakness.

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OOC: Oh no, Tekan’s actually pretty impressed by those guys. Sure, they were a touch klutzy at times but they were powerful, so he was impressed, not enough that he wouldve enjoyed their company, but enough that he won’t be rude about ‘em

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OOC: yeah N’ghaor is generally just angry at every one but in his defence he is defective, he can only breath filtered air so for the model I gave him whenua’s mask to show off his prominent filters.This makes him verrrry cranky.

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OOC: Ah, that is a pretty good reason, and an impressive use of a mask to show it!

For Tekan his is also kinda reasonable, let’s just say that, if you remember that ‘dead’ temple he collapsed, Ekimu has some hand in why that event happened, even if it was an unwitting one.

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OOC: oh jeez i’m so sorry for his loss

Wait i got in role again didn’t I?

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OOC: I mean he’d thank you for that… if he wasn’t ‘comatose…

Also… maybe?

Atlas gets up from wherever he was sitting. He begins walking to Ekimu’s room.

Hurikan, a bit suspicious goes to follow him.

Neptune is still asleep, surprisingly.

Mark: “Can I come with you, guys?”

“I think he went outside the arena. Not sure why though,” Kryun said as he watched the fight, half filled with pride and the other anxiety.

“Can you come with me to find him?”

OOC: Yeah, he went outside the arena. I assume that’s where Ekimu is, anyway.

IC: Hurikan continues to follow Atlas.

Atlas is aware of Hurikan following him, but it seems he doesn’t care.

Mark was following Atlas.

“Sure.” Kryuin said as he got up. He took one last glance at Kryuna, muttered a quick prayer, and walked out the door to find Vladin.

“I wonder where he would be. I hope he is fine.”

Atlas turns around to see Mark. “You don’t need to be here. I’m just going to ask Ekimu something.” He glances at Hurikan, but still doesn’t say anything.

Hurikan glares back. What in Karz are you planning…

OOC: Wait, are they following Atlas or looking for Vladin?

OOC: They are looking for Vladin.
IC: “Eh. I am bored. I want to come too. Plus, I need to use my limbs for a little bit. Come on. I don’t bite.”

“Fine, come.” Atlas reluctantly says.

Mark followed.

“So do I.” If only for your sake. Kryuin continued to search.