Okotan Adventures

OOC I wasn’t there for that.

OOC: Ah, ok. Let me edit my post then.

“Thanks.” Blaze says. “Besides, helping folks in any way I can (within reason) is what I like doing.” He tells Athena. Yup, you don’t need super amazing powers to be a hero; just the simple act of helping others is enough. he thinks.

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OOC: You was talking with Athena. Vladin is at the end of the group.

“Well, my name is Kryuin.”

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As they waited Tekan walked over to a nearby wall, the mild oddness still in his walk, leaning against it he took the carving tool and rested it against one of his ‘repaired’ arms before dragging it down, repeating the motion as he slowly carved it into a clawed point, continuing on with his next finger. Small tenses traveling across his arm each time he carved a piece.

Vladin saw him and walked to him.
“Hey pal! Are you OK?”

Echo was eyeing him. He looked extremely curious

Kryuin puts a hand on Vladin’s shoulder stopping him from talking to Tekan.

“Yes, I’m fine. Nothing I’m not used to, had to sharpen them multiple times even after I fixed ‘em

@TheMOCingbird Vladin looked at him.
“I wanted to talk to him anyway. He is a little weird.”
He whispered.

@KAI_BORG Vladin then looked at him.
“But… Why you do this? It doesn’t hurt?”

“It’s not that I think he is weird, I just think he wants to be left alone. How would you like it if I was always pestering you about your old village?”

“As I said, I’m used to it.” He replied. “They’re useful for a bit of extra defence. Can’t kill much with ‘em but they can usually drive off any attackers after a couple of slashes or at least injure them enough for me to get my Scythe or another weapon.

“I agree; if he doesn’t want to talk about it, don’t force him to.” Blaze says. He’s had enough experience from living in the city to know that helpful social rule.

“Yes but… Can you pick something up with those? I never had claws… But I think they are hard to use as regular fingers.”
OOC: Please understand that we were at a distance by you. @BlackBeltGamer98

OOC: Blaze is over by Kryuin, he can hear you. Sorry if that sounded rude.

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OOC Actually, Tekan is at the top of the stairs, so is Kryuin, and Blaze is by Kryuin.


OOC: We are in a building?

OOC No, we are right outside of one.

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OOC: Oh! Thank you.
IC: Vladin decided to left Tekan. The others were right. He was kinda rude.