Okotan Adventures

Kavix enjoyed the boring day, after the chaos of the last.

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Tarkur stops and bends down to reveal something beneath the sand as he brushed away the dust on the object. A small dust cloud covered Tarkur. “Aha!” he lets out as the dust cloud settled. Tarkur could be seen holding a rusty but still intact Okotan chest plate.

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Kavix looks at the chest plate curiously. It wasn’t strange to find junk like that buried in the sand, but he wondered why Tarkur had taken an interest in it.

Tarkur looked at the chest plate intensly moving it back and forth, up and down. “You know what this is?” he asks Kavix.

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“Well, as far as I can tell, it’s a chest plate,” Kavix says. Of course, he knew all too well how appearances could be deceiving, and how seemingly ordinary objects contained quite extraordinary secrets.

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“This isn’t just any chest plate!” he exclaims, “You’ve heard of the Great city, right? the one Makuta brought with him to the shadow realm.” He asks Kavix to see if he follows along.

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“Yeah, of course I have,” Kavix affirms. “That chest plate came from there, eh?”

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“Yup, classic old fashioned Okotan craftman ship, Forged from the very elemental masks Ekimu and Makuta forged for our people so long ago.” He gives a little speech, “How it ended up here is beyond me but I think I will keep it.” he says

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“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea,” Kavix agrees, now understanding the significance of the chest plate.

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Tarkur puts the chest plate on his back attaching it too a leather belt he had packed earlier. He then continues walking “Let’s not continue staling.” He quickly tells Kavix.

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Kavix nods.

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OOC: gtg

Tarkur smiles and continues walking.

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Geet, Capella, and Sonata see a nearby village. They head towards it.

Symphony taps his foot and disappears, he ends up east of the Temple of the Creature of Fire.

Kavix continues walking beside Nuuma.


They make it to the mountain base by sunset. Nuuma looks around for a small inlet in the mountain to sleep under.

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Pheore and Jaspar finally reach the outskirts of the City of the Mask Makers. Pheore is unsurprised to find that the city is hushed and quiet; people seem to still be recovering from the arena falling from the sky. (@Runa)

Hitora was with them. “Where to now, the hospital?” He asks.

Kavix follows. “I’ll get a fire started.”

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Geet and his companions enter the fire village (@Runa)

Jaspar shakes his head. “No; we need to talk to Ekimu. I need to tell him what happened.” Pheore scowls at this; then again, she hasn’t done much but scowl as they walked.