Overlord v2 (My Secondary Self-MOC)

The arms are a little strange, but other than that it looks great!

Great work!

As others have mentioned, it has some gabs in the arms and such, but other than that, it looks quite solid!

(I’ve always had a soft spot for digitigrade legs as well…)

The black and purple color scheme really works now that you added more purple in the perfect places. And those gams… for him, leg day is every day.
Also, I like the differences in the arms, but they are kinda skinny. Overall, it;s still pretty cool.


In all seriousness, this MoC is great.

I guess you could call them double arms…they are loosely inspired by this

As for your question, the arms have almost no problem posing while the legs might get tricky at times. He is able to stand on one leg but it is really hard to pose him that way. Thanks for your opinion.

Thanks, yet again, lower arms inspired by this:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Really thanks…but it is not that good…there are way better MOCs on the board that deserve to be shown.


I’m Sorry, the Transformers Fan in me expected a double Godmaster.

This is cool though.


:stuck_out_tongue: <that’s the curse>

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Well, it’s either G! overlord,

Or IDW Overlord.


This should probably be V1.5, seeing as you haven’t really changed much, other then the legs…

It’s looking better, though his arms still look odd and gappy.

Irrelevant, it is second attempt at improving the MOC thus being version 2

I made myself clear where the inspiration for the arms came from. Thanks for the comment tho.

Now that you mention it, I can see some likeness towards Zaries…tho it was not intended…because Rahkshi head on titan?

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Eh…I like it…pls don’t kill me.

Your opinions, man.

This is definitely an improvement over the last version

Great job, man!

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I actually think those are my favorite parts of the MOC. The long legs make it look very threatening, and the smaller head exaggerates its overall size.

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A LOT of detail! amazing detail! The left arm (the way im looking at it on the pics) looks a little thin compared to the rest of the Moc and the other arm,.

I think you should just make this awesome thing your primary self-MOC!


It’s a bit gappy but overall it looks cool