
wow, paladins had an original idea for once? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i mean, it’s not a bad thing at all. it just gives more options, and I’d be really glad if it meant less people playing mccree

I would discuss how different Paladins and OverWatch are, and how brutally misinformed you’d have to be to still think they’re ripoffs of each other rather than simply being games in the same genre, but I believe I already argued that point against you in the Paladins topic, and I would be getting off-topic to do so. Instead, I’ll ignore that fairly ignorant first comment, and instead address the idea of giving more options.

I agree. More options aren’t a bad thing, and heroes in OverWatch are very varied, meaning new characters always add variety. However, I am simply disappointed with the fact that Blizzard seems to be neglecting the other categories, and is instead focusing on the category that needs the least in terms of variety. The existing offense characters are interesting and unique. There’s plenty of variety, and its the largest category. Defense characters, as a whole, are picked far less often than offense characters (even on defense, where you’d expect them to be picked). Many are considered unviable, and the category needs some help. The support category is in a similar situation, notably with Symmetra. Instead of giving more variety to the categories that don’t have enough, they created another character for the category that doesn’t need help, and is arguably the least important category to a good team composition. It makes Blizzard look like they’re more interested in drawing in new players than they are about maintaining the game in its current state.

Ha. That was a joke. You didn’t see the :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: at the end there? No need to get triggered. but paladins isn’t that original

Apparently, symmetra is moving to the defense category eventually (and getting a rework). The general reason why defense characters are picked less is because they’re less viable in higher level play (ex. toblerone, bonzo)

Yes, hence why their category needs help.

Also, Paladins isn’t 100% original, but neither is OverWatch, so let’s not even draw the comparison.

So…is no one going to acknowledge how there’s an omnic in the Los Muertos gang?


Or the fact that Omnic + human relationships are accepted so freely in the OverWatch universe despite the fact that they’re different species, and literally tried to commit genocide on each other less than twenty years ago?

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The Los Muertos gang is known in Overwatch’s lore for discriminating omnics, like in Soldier 76’s animated short.


Yeah, I understood the significance, I just find it hilarious that this gang in particular is yet another example of omnic + human relationships, which even outside of a racist hate group, would be a less common occurrence.

Omg Sombra’s out on the PTR along with all the new maps HYYYPE

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I am very excited for new maps. New maps are pretty much the best new content you can get in a game like this, and I love it.

I really like the look of Los Muertos.

I know that there is an overwhelming chance it will never happen, but I would love a Hero that belonged to them…

I’m assuming that you’re not counting Sombra, but she is a member of them.

I’m not counting Sombra because she is formally aligned with them, and she doesn’t have the cool skelington stuff…

Bummer that any skins received in PTR don’t transfer to your real time account.

EDIT: I can’t wait for the Sombra hype to die down so people can actually play her.

she has that one legendary skin, does that count?

I haven’t seen her legendary skins.

But the fact that you mention it doesn’t fill me with hope getting a proper Los Muertos character…

Here they all are (sorry for some spotty pictures, had to take screenshots for the first two)

Los Muertos:




I can’t decide whether I like Augmented or Cyberspace more


I absoloutly love the first one.

They are all pretty great though…

Trying to play as Sombra in the PTR.


Honestly, I find Reaper more interesting lore-wise and personality-wise, and that’s saying something since he’s literally just an edge-lord. Sombra is… cliche (funny that I’m comparing her to Reaper and talking about cliche) but her backstory is intentionally vague, and her plan is just “I’m gonna be powerful by social networking.” At least Reaper has a history with OverWatch and its members. Just a random thought that popped into my head when I saw that gif.

Also, I think the things people find “cute” about Sombra are endlessly annoying, but maybe I just hate cute things. Fangmei is my least favorite character in Shenmue 2, to the point where I forget she’s even in that game, so maybe I do just hate cute things.