Pestilence (RP topic)

Æhnyir stands whispering something in Latin that lifts the spellbinding he placed on Arkan. He thinks,
“Does anyone have some spare paper and a knife or a sharp bladed object that isn’t my sword? If I’m correct I think I can create an enchantment, given there’s still essence of the spirit left.”

Upon hearing ‘paper’ and ‘enchantment’ in the same sentence, Arkan looked up at him, away from his workings. “And how exactly do you plan to do that?” He asks.

“What do you mean? I’ll simply enchant a bladed weapon to have certain attributes or characteristics of the ingredients I’ve chosen. I’ve found through many experiments that paper is an ingredient that can sharpen the blade immensely. The main important part of this enchantment is that I get a characteristic of the spirit as so the weapon that would be enchanted can easily strike the spirit, since last I knew a spirit can strike a spirit.”

A Clawed hand burst through the wood followed by huge tack-like helmet as a thorned knight pulled themselves to the surface, clutching a flamberge roughly the size of a zwiehander

“…okay.” He manages to say, before the hand burst through. He jumps back and prepares a Conjuration spell.

Hydronicus lept back, unsheathing his sword.
“Who are you? State your business here!” He demanded.

Æhnyir recites an incantation, looking at the thorned knight,
Secundum voluntatem, et fiet vobis per simile quod acedia provenit.
This spellbinding would serve to slow the knight down.

“Filthy heretic!” Screamed the warrior as they stomped towards Æhnyir, greatsword trailing behind them

Hydronicus jumped in front of Godrick, aiming his sword at him. “Stand back! I do not wish harm upon you!” He warned.

He grabbed the sword blade and pushed it out of his way with the force of devilry

Æhnyir laughs,
“You blindly call me a heretic? That’s laughably correct, I am the heretic, after all I did make a contract with a literal devil and not only did I do so with that devil. I also made a contract with a holy being, an angel.”
He draws his blade, an unknown magic rune could now be seen engraved upon the blade, actually there were several others covering the blade.
“By the way, do you have paper?”

Godrick merely sprinted much faster than he should be able to

Æhnyor sighs,
“You have that much speed even being slowed…in testamemto meo: dabo spiritum spiritus!
Æhnyir jumps back faster than he would’ve been seen doing earlier. He took out his spell tome and sighed. The spell-caster in knight’s armor ripped out a piece of paper. It was a magic rune that he smudged before putting the tome back on his side. Holding the paper in one hand, Æhnyir draws his sword and places the paper on the rune, yelling,
the paper would disappear and the blade would appear sharper than before.

Hydronicus staggered back, before heating his enchanted blade to red-hotness and slashing at Godrick.

The heated blade had also unfortunately slightly softened and as a result it only succeeded in blunting its tip on Godrick’s back, Godrick continues to charge at Æhnyir now clutching is sword in two hands like a normal human being.

Æhnyir considers his chances. He HATES being unprepared so he decided on two things living and dying this exact moment, after all his trump card would help. First off he needs to either see someone die or kill somebody. He wasn’t against either option, but he really didn’t want to surprise the others so quickly and the armored swordmage runs away.

Hydronicus cursed under his breath, throwing aside his blade as he threw a punch at Godrick’s face with his armored fist

Godrick keeps chasing moving into what appears to be a modified football tackle position

Arkan, using his Conjuration circle, shot a blast of frost magic at Godrick.

The blast slammed against Godrick’s back who immediately stopped his chase to turn around.

Blood was oozing from the chinks in his leg armour as if his legs had razors imbedded in them