~Plorg 2~

Hide the body, the table served us well, and deserves a proper barrel, even if it was a traitor in the end.

Hide the body at someone else’s house

Hide the body.

Disguise the body as a table and run!

It’s kind of split…
You decide to hide the body at someone else’s house.
Whose house do you go to, the “witch’s” house, or the Glob’s?

Glob sounds like a nice guy.

He doesn’t have air quotes around his name.

To the Glob’s. I don’t like magic.

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Glob’s house.

You go to the Glob’s house. He’s depressed and asks you to eat him. Eat or no eat?

Don’t eat him. I don’t know where he’s been.


I’ll end his suffering and eats him

Don’t eat him.

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Eat him. Put him out of his misery.

I don’t eat him. That sounds disgusting.

Don’t eat, poor guy

Cannibalize him

Eat him.

By a difference of one, the majority has decided not to eat him. Because you’re hungry, you decide to hide the Table’s body by eating it. Do you throw yourself out the window, or kill the Glob?

The poor dude is too sad. We can’t kill him. Make a quick excuse for why you have to leave and jump out the window.


Defenestrate the Glob, but not ourself