Potential 2020 Constraction theme speculation (?)

I think my main skepticism is the fact that it sounds too good to be true… Having canister sets again? As much as that would be like a dream come true, considering LEGO’s current policy of being environmentally friendly with all their products, I don’t think that is going to happen.


yeah. Environmental stuff in general bugs me. It’s so contradictory! First it was no paper, because we were cutting down the rain-forest! Then, no plastic! its gonna fill up the ocean! Just make up your minds! and Environmental concerns are also very regional. Why do we in SC have to buy toilets that conform to Californian standards? We don’t have a water problem. Give me a 5 gallon tank!

Sorry. I got off on a rant.

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I mean for starters, we can have issues with overuse of paper and clearcutting forests AND throwing away too much plastic. They aren’t mutually exclusive issues. Also, that not-having-a-five-gallon-tank-on-your-toilet issue has far far more to do with water efficiency (and therefore saving on your water bill) than any regional environmental regulations. We’re constantly improving technology (even toilets) to be more efficient, just so happens that sometimes they’re more efficient because of environmental concerns.
That all being said, this is a conversation for a different topic - please stay on topic in the future.

As for the potential 4chan “leak” that @OmegaMasterOfCreation found… there is some credibility to the idea that it could be Cybots related. I had no idea that concept even existed until Zatth’s “History of Constraction” panel at Brickfair, so to see it mentioned elsewhere certainly lends credence to the idea.

I am still leery of conflating the 3ON1CLE stuff with anything though, just because it IS so vague and mysterious. Generally NDA’s also prohibit the kind of round-about teasing or reveals that Fabers artwork would qualify as.


Bidet for life!

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Your right. Sorry. It just bugs me. We have a well, so we don’t have a problem with water, but I’m not going to continue.

Any news on this front?

don’t double post

Yeah no news. I guess we have to wait a few more months.

Whoops. Didn’t realize.

Throwback to when leaks for stuff like this showed up around September


Yeah. Got anything new? Also, a guy in the 310N discussion made a connection between this and whatever it is Faber is doing. He might have cracked this case wide open.

Wait, it’s been a year already?

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Nah, just reminiscing on back in the day when leaked catalog pictures showed up around this time of year


Wait, there are leaked pictures? Not just set numbers?

No. “Reminiscing” refers to “happily remembering.” He’s living in happy memory of when there were pictures for the 2015 sets in September.


Lmao guys update, apparently it wasn’t in the 1HY catalog which means it’s a summer theme. The waiting game has been extended.


As per usual. Plus, if it was winter it wouldn’t be 2020 would it?

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Even if it would release in summer, pictures of them would probably appear mouths before the official release. By then, we will know whether it truly is a constraction theme or not.

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I know this is late to post but I’d be kind currious if lego made these figures transformers like the bohrok, vahki, etc

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What figures? We don’t even know if it really is a constraction theme yet.

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My point is that I’d be interested to see them try transforming figures again,

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I’m shocked that nobody has come forward with an “I know everything, my sources are legitimate, I have a long track record” post. I have hope for this topic.

Leaks and supposed leaks posted in the topic aside, constraction as we know it is not coming back. LEGO has stopped producing the CCBS pieces; we’re not getting another snap-socket theme for probably a good while, and especially not now so soon after its cancellation. Much speculation has been made elsewhere as to what a new buildable figure system could be like, but the big question is, of course… Is it Bionicle?

No. At least, not your grandpa’s Bionicle. I shouldn’t be allowed to classify any Bionicle fans as grandpa

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