Prism Creatures (System MOCs)


I has built some creatures from Lego bricks. Green frog is by my mum, others by myself. Each tribe can combine into Max-like creature, I will include them later.

Red Tribe

Frog Tribe

Lizard Tribe

Toothy Tribe

Yellow Tribe


Nice, but I think you need a more concentrated color scheme.


These are pretty much Mixels in the 1940’s but without posable joints.

Red Tribe:
The one in the middle kinda looks like a flatten Walrus while the 2 other are just eye cones.

Frog Tribe: (what ever happen to the green tribe?)
Only the thing on the left looks like a frog, the other looks like a dino and a mail box.

Lizard Tribe:
None of these are reptilian looking tbh, the one on the right looks like a whale.

Toothy Tribe:
The one in the middle seems to lack any teeth, these are the only interesting design tribe to me.

Yellow Tribe:
I see the mailbox got new shoes. :athletic_shoe:

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