Prpl's Super Ultimate AMA Extravaganza!

You got lucky, I had to read it for High School.

What books have teachers made you read for school?

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  1. What’s your favorite novel or book?

  2. Favorite piece you’ve drawn?

1- What is your opinion on the color ‘pink’?

2- Do you know why you are best TTV Member?

3- What is your meaning of life?

4- Is this emoji quality?

5- Am I a scrub?

6- Did you know I have a YouTube channel?

7- Am I annoying?

8- Tell me how to stop this barrage of questions. HELP!

  1. Are you bothered by red and blue pins?

  2. Castle, Space or Town?

  3. Do you like peanut butter?

How dank is too dank?

  1. Have your jimmies ever been rustled?
    2.can I have a hug
    (I ask all amas this question)

Tea or Coffee
Sweet or Savoury
Your Most and Least Favourite Pokemon
Mario or Sonic this Question needed to appear
and where did you get the idea for Drananigons?

prpl are you a decendant of apophis/apep


Prpl, have you ever beat someone up?

Stupid ones that I had no interest in and sparknoted.

  1. The Darkest Minds
  2. This ancient picture of @IllustriousVar that I don’t think I’ve ever posted publicly. Unless I have and can’t remember.
  1. It’s neat.
  2. Because I said so.
  3. This.
  4. Yes.
  5. Because you are.
  6. I assume everyone has a YouTube here.
  7. Everyone’s annoying.
  8. I don’t really care.
  1. Not really.
  2. Town.
  3. Yeah, I’m not obsessed with it but I sometimes enjoy a peanut butter toast.


  1. Are you secretly Eljay?
  2. No.
  1. Frappe
  2. Savory
  3. Most: Hydreigon; Least: Dunsparce
  4. Pokemon
  5. I was reading these comics and was like “wow these are cool I wanna make comics too” so I did.


No but my startle-reflex thing is to punch people in the face so that’s happened before.
RIP my brothers.


To follow up @Political_Slime’s question, are you a servant of Ma’at?

  1. Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering?
  2. Light armor, or heavy armor?
  3. What’s your favorite band?

prpl you disappoint me

giant egyptian snake thing that eats the sun?

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It’s also an asteroid that could destroy the earth.

Blacktron or M-tron
On a scale of 1-10 what is your favorite color of the alphabet
Is draw the squad dead?
Have you met any cast members IRL
Did you have any idea that you would be part of the podcast when you joined the boards?

What are your opinions on Spider-Man?
Is he or is he not the greatest super-hero ever created?

Where do you see yourself in 3-4 years?

What do you think of The Emoji Movie?

What is your greatest fear?
What is your ultimate goal in life?
Have you had any reoccurring dreams?

Do you ever randomly quote stuff?
(Songs, shows, movies, books, etc.)