Puck Feeder

Puck Feeder is a modern take on an old hockey set (number 3545.) I wanted to keep that stocky look that the originals had, just with added articulation.

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I really like how you pulled off the stocky look

what’s with the ayylmao feet though
is he secretly a space alien in disguise?

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Boy he thicc.

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Cool revamp, but why puck feeder?

Thanks guys!

@HewksDKowlihad I thought it looked close enough to the original hockey foot but with a better ankle connection. Maybe the Technic hockey players are aliens. Its never really been established.

@Morgy I think I started with the chest combo. It gradually seemed like a good fit for Puck Feeder specifically due to that HF armor piece being in so few colors.

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Dude! I remember those old Hockey sets! haha. This is done quite well. That was a good idea to use the Ben 10 feet in place of the Technic feet.

This is nice dude. And your pics look great too. I am not in love with the Ben 10 feet though. The two-toed look is a bit odd.

But the body design is really excellent otherwise.