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Grim reaper’s less spooky cousin.

Now Mr. Skeletini sings another song! YAY!!! Now he became evil, Oh no! Spooky 10/

mysterious spoopy is best spoopy/10

The start of a new robot franchise /10

I can’t believe it… Furno-Face is gone!


I wish I could say the same about Mr. Monopoly face…

Oh hey! You changed it! And its… its… Well I can’t really tell what it is. But at least its something new!

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It’s the Reichtangle. The pure interpretation of hell.
Oh, hey! A spooky skeleton.

melted popsicle/10

One scene that proves SpongeBob is a weird show /10

An old Rome flag bathing in blood/10

A mole with some poles/10

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The psycho font is pretty spooky… :skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:/10. Transformers and board game mascots aren’t spooky

Laser eyes makes everything better/10

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Its simply a deep fried rage effect. No lasers.

Nice art, but not spooky. A N G E R Y. :skull::skull::skull::skull:/10

Doot doot expanding his musical talents/10

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Scrappy runa is best runa/10

The cyborg puppet is spying everyone… HEY! I am not the thief, Believe me! 10/, Never change it

Some really shy dude/10

A toa, 10/