Red Vs. Blue: A Fool's War

“Next we should set up a hologram system, that face of yours will come in hand.” Claude says, a hint of excitement in his voice,

“Oh? Really? What’re we going to do with it?”

“Ever read wizard of Oz?” Claude asks taking off his helmet and smiling.

“Part of it, found a burned book on a glassed planet I accidently visited.”

OOC: Be back.

OOC: k

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“Well, I say we set up a hologram, and when someone gets near the base your face pops up.” Claude explains smiling the whole time.

“… Ok now that sounds awesome!”

“I know right!”
Let’s go see if we can rig something up." He says excited

“Sure! Finally, something useful I can do with the face those scientists gave me!”

“Well, I mean besides charming the ladies that is.” Claude says trying to hold in laughter.

“Pfft! Maybe if they were a Jackal or squid face!” He replied, bursting out in laughter. “And if anything they look better than me!”

“I don’t know, your face has an air of muster and gals like that.” Claude says in a matter of fact tone

“Seriously? Wha-ha-hat?!” He said in surprise, chuckling still.

“Eh, I don’t know a thing about people though.” Claude says turning around and shrugging, he carries his helmate in his left hand.

“Dude, same here, this is probably the most I’ve interacted with someone in years!”

“Really? You seem like a great guy.” Claude says in disbelief as he finds some wires and a hologram projected he starts to mess with.

“Yeah but most people either get freaked out when they find out what I am, I’ll be trying to hide from ONI finding out where I am and for a while at the beginning of the war I just tended to do my own thing, just kinda wandered around planets, I’d fight whoever attacked me, mainly covenant but still some UNSC forces, never killed, purposely, but I wasn’t exactly helping either side for a long time, eventually switched over to helping humans before I ended up here.” Zed said shrugging.

“Wow, that’s a nice backstory.” Claude says as a small image apears.

“Eh it was mainly boredom and a bit of anger at ONI for authorizing my experiments.”