Risebell's Stuff

Oh hi sheriff, I am here to report the illegal activities of that creep in the sunglasses, yea, that one. Wait…WHAT DO YOU MEAN A MAGICARP ATE YOUR CAR! THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU! I WANT HIM BEHIND SCRAPPING BARS FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE WORLD!

…I guess you are off the hook…

that wasn’t funny?

Excuse me sir, I can no longer deal with these antics…

jumps off a cliff

dis you

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you heard it here people, @RaptorTalon is a trained Bungee Jumper.

No, I am a trained stain on the concrete.

Posts about getting off-topic are, ironically, off-topic.
Please don’t post just to acknowledge such.



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but meta is fun… sometimes…

How did you do the waist swivel on the new Risebell MOC btw? And any plans to do more updates to your MOC?

Vahki waist and a hordika neck.

Yep, I’m away from home on vacation ATM so I can’t get pics of it right now but it’s a pretty common thing to do. I’m fairly certain you can see what I’m using on these guys [here][1].

As for updates to my self-moc… Probably going to armor up the vahki waist with some system. Hopefully I’ll get around to improving the color scheme and lower legs one day.
[1]: http://board.ttvpodcast.com/uploads/db5640/761/a011525d2dc86400.jpg

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Hope you have a good vacation, where you at? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Seeing family in Indiana.
They don’t have any cats here :frowning:


You poor soul.

I’ll ship a cat to you right now.
What kind of a cat do you want ?

Have any ragamuffins?

It’ll arrive after a month.
With a box and everything.

But I’m leaving in 3 days…

Too bad >:C
How ungrateful you are !
I got you a cat and everything !