RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

OOC: Okay thanks.

OOC: I’m back, what have I missed?

OOC: Toko’s now inside the couch, still hiding from the storm.


OOC: Hey, Paul is laying
On the couch, which Toko is inside, as she found a hole underneath and climbed in, paul has his hand inside the couch, and Toko is licking his finger after he tried to pet her and she bit it.

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Terin is out on his porch, reading.

Paul starts to move his finger back and forth. (@ace)

OOC: Thank you both.

IC: Heather walks over to Paul," Are you trying to get Toko?"

Arkane was cleaning his weapons by the tent. (@ToaVakota )

Natalie was still looking for Iris.

“I’m just playing around with her. The only thing that’s scary about storms is the thunder.” Paul says.

Coral cuddles up against Flare as they sleep.

Heather:" Sure."

Flare hugs Coral in her sleep.

She uses he paws to try to hold it still.


“What, it is.” Paul says, as he starts to move a second finger

Coral smiles, as she whines quietly.

Heather:" Thunder is just a big sound, it can’t hurt you. Sure it sounds scary but it’s not."

Flare was to deep in sleep to hear.

“That’s why it’s terrifying, it’s just a sudden loud boom.” Paul says.

Coral starts to whine louder.

Toko paws at his other finger.

He starts to move both fingers together.

Heather:" Ok fine."

Flare slowly wakes up.

She pops her head out and meows at him.

“Hello there.” Paul says as he pulls her hand out from the sofa.

Coral continues to whine as she sleeps, her ears lay flat on her head.

Flare pets her," Hey I’m right here." She then kisses her.

OOC: general Kenobi
IC: she again meows.