RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

do it

OOC This is neededā€¦


Kota shakes his head, his hands covering his ears. Iā€™m not kidnapping her!

you can return her later.

Should I at least tell them? Besides, the amuletā€™s here, canā€™t you just show them here? Kota pleads with the voice.


Thatā€™s a no to both, isnā€™t it?

yes it is

After all the trust I built with these people . . . I canā€™t. He backs away a bit more, away from Toko.

Soshi puts her hand on Toko worried. She tightens her grip of her second mask.

you donā€™t have trust with one, and you hate the otherā€¦

Flare sees Ike and smiles a devilish grin.

Ideruba looks away at the floor

Well, screw you, Iā€™m not about to mess with them!

if you donā€™t, heā€™ll be gone for good

Flare, Should I tell him about his counterpart?


Ideruba closes his eyes and lays his head on the sofa

He hears Lanceā€™s last words.

Kotaā€™s heart races. How do I know heā€™s trustworthy?