RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Ideruba “Put it in any way.”

get her it orders, as Toko runs up and holds his hand.

Flare:" What?"

Ideruba shrugs “I don’t care how you phrase it.”

“Toko, I can’t be here anymore,” he says. If what it says is true, I’ll have to damage my mind that much to keep it quiet.

He again hears Lance’s final words, this time seeing the scene as well.

Kota asks, trying not to cry, “Do any of you know about Alice’s sibling?”

Soshi nods “I have heard of Lance. He… He was a… Kinda of a Prickly person to you guys.”

“That’s what the amulet wants, to bring his ‘counterpart’ back. And I was friends with him, thank you.”

“uncle Lance?” Asked toko, as Makoko asks
“How many adoptive relatives do you have?”

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Flare:" Ok then, she is dead."

“Yes, him, the amulet for some reason needs you to get him back,” Kota says to Toko.

Ideruba nods “I kinda assumed she would…”

OOC: He shows so much love to her . . . (/s)

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“then I’ll help.” Said Toko.

“No you won’t” commands Makoko.

Kota was about to speak up for Toko, but stays quiet. She won’t listen to me anyways.

Soshi blocks off Makoko “I will come and make sure nothing bad happens. Trust me. I can protect her.”

After a second Makoko says"okay Soshi."

Soshi nods and holds her katana at ready “Lets go Toko.” Hey that rhymed…

Kota nods and goes with Natalie to her bike. Where to?