RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Soshi is taking care of Toko and John who are presumably asleep.

OOC: Arkane X Alexis

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OOC [details=I guess]Flare does have similar genes…[/details]

OOC: Coral can be their life coach. Give them both advice on how to get together, something to distract her.

OOC Alexis “I know how to get with people just fine.”

OOC: For some reason I see them not quiet sure what to do when with the other.

OOC Alexis grins “Oh. I know what to do with him.”
And that thing is done.

OOC: coral facepalms. “And there goes my distraction.”

OOC They hear Hebi in the distance “Why dont yôu try to wake me up.”

OOC: Wait, Hebi could wake up.

OOC I never said he couldn’t :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

OOC: I mean right now, he and coral could interact.

OOC Later. She would have to wake him up though.

i gtg take care of somethings so yeah.

OOC: okay, I’ll just be here waiting for people to come back,

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OOC I am back.

OOC: Hello there

OOC Hi. Time for HSH time.

OOC: ?

I mean… Its fun in there

OOC: I don’t think I’m a master anymore.