RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Paul holds his hand out to her.

She nods and holds his hand “Guess I can give you this.” She kisses him on the lips

Heather takes it.

Arkane kisses her back and warms up, drying them both off.

Paul purrs quietly as he slowly walks towards the door.

She wraps her arms around him and holds him close

Heather opens up the door.

Arkane holds her close.

Paul walks through. “Thank you,”

She smiles “Maybe we should go somewhere comfortable?”

Heather:" No problem."

Arkane:" Where though?"

Paul smiles as they walk.

“I have a place.” She relucantly pulls away and leads him somewhere

Heather holds his hand and walks along side him.

Arkane follows.

Paul purrs quietly. “This is nice.” He says

She opens a door and a bed pops out “Okay then.”

OOC: Are they still in the cave?

Heather:" Yeah it is."

Arkane:" That’s neat."

“It’s nice out here isn’t it?” He asks.

OOC Yeah.

“I guess it is.” She lies down and jokingly poses

Heather:" Yeah it is."

Arkane chuckles.

She teases “Want some baby?”