RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Heather:" Ok lets go." She leads the way.

Yalani gets back to find more Grimm near the outskirts. He perks himself up and goes out to deal with them.

Paul follows, his tail swaying excitedly,

They get into town.

“This should be fun.”

Heather:" Yeah."

“Hmm, Want to make a bet?” Paul asks

Terin guts, cleans and fillets the catfish then freezes it. He goes to find if there is any sort of training center in the area.

There was a group of six Creeps, two of them huge. Yalani gets Fire-Singer ready as they spot him. Two of the smaller Creeps charge at him. One burrows while the other tries to bite Yalani’s arm. Yalani dodges and swings at the Creep’s head, hitting it in the eye. He pulls so the other Creep emerges and charges into the first, killing it. The other Creep was confused as Yalani went to sweep its legs with his axe, causing it to fall. He lodges the axe deep into the Creep’s neck as two more small Creeps and a large Creep approach. Yalani targets the larger Creep, moving in. One of the smaller Creeps tries to headbutt him, but Yalani jumps and then jumps from the back of the Creep, climbing onto the larger one. The large Creep tries to shake Yalani off and Yalani loses his grip. He shoots three times, all three hitting the Creep. It roars in pain and turns to swipe Yalani with its tail. He is knocked in the stomach and rolls. His Aura was already near half-depleted, but Yalani jumps onto the Creep as its back was turned. He makes his way to the back of the Creep’s neck and strikes at it, killing the large Creep. The smaller ones try to kick him, but he dodges and they collide. Yalani throws his axe at one and it sticks. He pulls, leaving a huge gash and swinging for an uppercut, slicing the Creep’s head and killing it as the second emerges from the ground behind him. Yalani ducks and lets the Creep cut itself on his axe, causing it to crash into the ground. Yalani shoots at it, but it burrows again as the second large Creep almost stomps him. Yalani dodges and sees the smaller Creep coming, shooting it as it emerged and killing it. He focuses on the larger Creep and throws his axe. It hits the side of the Creep and Yalani swings upwards. He lands on the Creep and pulls, firing the axe and wounding the Creep. As it roars in pain, he catches his axe and runs to the head, slicing the Creep’s back as he does so. Two slices go through as the Creep stumbled. Yalani jumped and forced the blade of the axe into the back of the Creep’s neck, killing it. He jumps off and walks away from the dissolving corpses. He returns to the village to see that the palace was almost finished. So . . . High Mound, huh? Has a better ring to it. Maybe the river can act like a moat. An idea clicks for the layout of the village.

She snuggles up to him

Heather:" Well it depends, what is it?"

Arkane wraps his arms around her.

“Who can kill the most the Grimm.” Paul says.

She puts a hand on his chest

Heather:" Ooo, your on, but wait what happens if one of us loses?"

Arkane he felt very warm.

She smiles and just rests her head on his chest while wrapping an arm around him

“Hmm, Not sure any suggestions?”

Arkane smiles and holds her close.

Heather:" Not really ."

She whispers “I love you.”

“We will think of something.”

Arkane:" I I-I love you too."

Heather:" Yeah we will."