RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Arkane tries to separate the two," Hey, break it up you two."

Kota pulls out a letter from someone named Amaranthus. He reads, ‘Dear Kota, some friends and I have checked the perimeters of the six Ali Sonak villages in Menagerie. It seems pretty clear and some of them even have defenses set up. I hope your perimeter checks are going well.’ I guess that might explain what I was doing at Honanki. He sees a note of the villages he checked. All that needs to be checked is Tseyi, Wupatki, and Kiet Siel. Kota shivers when he reads ‘Kiet Siel’ and starts heading there, since it was closer and the most dangerous to Kota, remembering his knowledge of the villages.

“Arkane? Don’t you rembemer, Ike, you, Me and someone else…” paul says as a sliver of a memeory surfaces.

Ideruba tilts his head like an owl and his mask glows “I am merely a lost soul.”

“BULL!” Paul yells with renewed anger. “You always said that, it was just an excuse!” He continues. What and i saying, this isn’t like me! paul starts to mentally freak out.

A pair of officers catch Toko, saying “you look familiar.” As she struggles to get away.

Ideruba nods “And you are?”

Arkane:" Look you both seem familiar, but I don’t know where and don’t care. Just don’t fight here."

“Your team leader.” Paul whispers as he sits on the sidewalk and holds his head in his hands. “I don’t know! I don’t know.” He starts to mutter. His right hand fully uncovered reveals a ring on one of his fingers.

Kota knows many abandoned kivas he could stay near in case Grimm were roaming. He follows a path leading to Kiet Siel, Howling Torch as a knife in its sheath and his shield on his lower back.

Ideruba “Christina is my leader… I need to get back soon.”

Paul ignore him trying to sort out the slivers of memeories in his head.

Heather sees what’s going on and walks over to them," Is something the matter officers?"

“Arkane, where is Heather?” Paul finally asks knowing the two are connected somehow

“yeah, we caught her stealing, so we’re taking her to the station.” Said the one on the right.

OOC: heather walked off I guess

Kota spots a King Tajitu and finds a kiva to hideout in. He waits inside, listening.

Arkane:" Oh she, wait how do you know my cousin?"

Heather looks at Toko," Oh sorry officers she’s my little sister, I’ll take her back."

"I don’t know, but she, I, "
Paul stutters in fusterstion.

The left one shakes his head, “no can do, she’s going to the station.”