RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

John wasn’t.

Paul starts to pet him.

He purrs even louder.

Paul continues to pet him. I wonder when he will wake up.

John was a faunus at the moment.

“Hey buddy, want to go get breakfast together?” Paul asks gently shaking him.

“but mommy said I have to sleep with her,” he said sitting up.

“Do you want to go to breakfast?” Paul
Asks gently.

He shakes his head, if I disobey she won’t love me, this must be a test.

“John is something wrong?”


“You sure?” paul asks.

He nods and curls up by Heather and falls asleep.

“Okay.” Paul says as he gets up.

John fell asleep by Heather, mommy, I love you…

Paul heads downstairs and starts to cook breakfast. When he finishes he gets two plates out and puts the eggs on them, before walking back upstairs.

OOC: Is the energon Drmolishor a good figure?

OOC: he’s okay, though I prefer mirage.

OOC: Thanks what about preceptor for Energon?

OOC: no.

OOC: What’s bad about him?