Ryylem, the Eclipse (V2)

Hey everyone! It’s been 4.5 years since I made the original Ryylem, and thought I’d give her a revamp based on the feedback I’ve received since then (and to update her build style to my current one). So, here she is!
In this build, I tried to improve the color distribution and stability of the torso. The details are lot more sturdy on this version, and it’s a little sleeker. I also tried to giver her arms a lot better articulation, with success. She still has her transforming gun-spear, too:

The Spear can be sheathed on the back.


And that’s Ryylem! I’m happy with the improvements made, and I feel like I have really streamlined the design. As always, I would love to hear what you think! Full album is here if you would like to see a few more photos or read up on her lore.


Wow, this is really good. The spear is awesome.

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The hair is a nice touch!

The use of the optic cables as hair is easily my favorite part about this MOC!

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The hair tubes go really well with the glitter Avohkii.

I agree, and the hair looks really cool too! Almost predator like.