Salvation: Part II

Blight is hit again, flung back in a daze. He forces his senses to clear and spring to his feet, taking a defensive position.

Pixel pressed his face against the port and gasped in reaction to the destination before them.


Song swore, as she turned to her plane mode and started shooting at Hun-Gurr with all she had.

Delta would turn into her ursagryph mode. She would yell loudly, a cross between a bear roar and an eagle screech, before lunging at Blight with her claws.

"We were just about to head that way, why? [quote=“ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, post:6203, topic:49995”]
Pixel pressed his face against the port and gasped in reaction to the destination before them.

Spectrum bounced up next to him and watched, her pink eyes wide.

“He’s dead.”

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Zepar enjoyed a balance of 19,900 shanix, at the present time.

“I’ve always wanted to meet a Knight of Cybertron,” Thrift muses. “Some people say they’ve seen them, out on the Verge, but personally I’ve never seen anything but dead space out there, apart from the odd lovecraftian horror and foreboding alien obelisk, perhaps.”

The hab-suites were all free of nefarious devices.

Other patrons were staring out the viewport at the planet along with the minicons, murmuring speculations on the glowing patterns adorning its landmasses.

“Sheesh,” Halfrunner sighs, walking up behind the siblings. “I take a little stasis nap and we’re already back to adventuring…”

Hun-Gurr falls to its hands and knees as it is peppered by bullets and plasma rounds. Nearby, Twinstrike’s dual heads snarl as it leaps off its table, attacking Brainpan.

From behind Wildsong, Windrazor shrieks as it swoops at the Autobot, its talons outstretched; it sought to dig them into its new prey.

Song is not able to escape from that, as the talons would slash into the back of her plane mode.

Sparks fly as Windrazor digs its talons into Wildsong’s armor. The predacon attempts to pin her to the floor.

Brainpan transforms into her helicopter form and flies away from the operating theatre, seeking to lead Hun-Gurr and Twinstrike elsewhere into the lab so as to keep them from waking the last two predacons. Fortunately (or not, depending on your point of view), the two dragon-bots follow the mad scientist. Hun-Gurr, in its pain and rage, wantonly tears through the laboratory, while Twinstrike shoots columns of fire from its heads at the scientists. The laboratory had become a battlefield as the New Decepticons labor to subdue their creations with stasis pistols.

Song turns to her robot mode, the swifting of her plates making near impossible for Windrazor to still grasp her. As she turned back into her humanoid form, Wildsong tries to lunge on the Predacon’s body, before trying to tightly grasp one of its wings and to pull it inwards, destabilising the enemy.

Windrazor is forced to release Wildsong, and the Predacon flies backward, out of reach of her attack. The flying predacon opens its jaws and breathes a jet of flame at the Autobot.

Song, now on the ground, runs away from the fire’s range.

The flames lap at a ruined workstation before Windrazor ceases the attack. With an ear-piercing screech, the predacon takes flight after Wildsong, unleashing another torrent of white-hot flame.

“Backups! Now!” Wildsong yelled as she continued running around the lab.

Windrazor flies above Wildsong, twisting in the air to land in front of her, shrieking again.

Song’s cries for backup are lost in the chaos that had taken hold of the lab, as Twinstrike and Hun-gurr continue their rampage. Fortunately, however, the two predacons had been away from the central operating theater, meaning that Blot and Rippersnapper would likely not be joining their brethren anytime soon.

Brainpan transforms back to robot mode and deploys an EDK Techvolt emitter from her right arm. The mad scientist blasts Windrazor with a bolt of chain lightning, causing the predacon to spasm and instinctively transform to robot mode.

Wildsong then goes for a punch in his face.
“Why the hell are we in a Decepticon warship if nobody is helping us!”

Windrazor staggers backward, before assuming beast mode again (like the other clones, his obot mode was foreign and cumbersome to him). He takes flight and attempts to snatch up Wildsong in his talons again.

“Well, everyone seems very busy right now, if you haven’t noticed,” Brainpan conversationally informs Wildsong, oddly (almost disturbingly) calm throughout the chaos that had befallen the lab.

Song tries to hide under a table.

“I can’t see any results!”

Wildsong narrowly eludes Windrazor’s grasp.

“Well that’s probably why!” Brainpan elaborates. “Everyone’s running and shooting and getting mauled and decapitated…”

“We need a plan! I cannot put down any of them alone!” she said as she tried to remember how she and the others defeated the Predacon guarding Shockwave.

“Yeah, that’s what Shockwave was going for, I’ll bet!” Brainpan remarks.

Wildsong might remember that our heroes had dispatched Specimen Fourteen largely thanks to their numbers and a continuous stream of firepower. It was likely that Hun-Gurr, Twinstrike, and Windrazor could be subdued the same way, but these three were stronger and more intelligent than Fourteen was. Hung-Gurr, however, was wounded and unable to transform, having been awakened in the middle of surgery.

“WHAT?!” shrieked Blight, giving up his position as he sprinted away from the creature.

Pixel began humming some unknown song, perhaps one he had composed himself. It wasn’t very pleasant to the audio receptors.

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