Salvation: Part II

Spectrum nodded. “y3s!”[quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:3825, topic:49995”]
The shot from the rifle causes Thunderblast to recoil as it strikes her shoulder, leaving a burning wound where it hit.

As the missiles make contact with the blade, they explode.

Thrust is thrown backwards by the explosions. When he stands up, his armor is charred and there are pieces of shrapnel piercing them.
“Not such a bright idea then.” he grunted. He sheathed his sword and raised his sniper again, firing at the same spot. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:3825, topic:49995”]
Banzaitron stops his charge as the shots hit his chest and abdomen, causing the mercenary to stagger back a step. Taking aim with the plasma rifle again, he fires another bolt at Lightshift. With the ion blaster on his left forearm, he shoots at Vigor.

Lightshift transforms into a jet and rockets off the hull, avoiding the blast. He begins to fire his machine guns at Banzaitron.

Vigor sprints to the side, firing his handcannon again as he did so.

“Unfortunately, our only options is to destroy or remove the shard somehow.”

Blight physically held his head down with his arms, stumbling under cover. “How do we get them to not shoot at us?”

With all of his might, Pixel thrusted upwards, attempting to carry the injured to safety.

Topside, Facelift, and company drive off toward a ground bridge. A pilgrim activates the portal as the party assumes robot mode and gazes upon the battle raging on the horizon.

Sprocket nods.

“Definitely remove,” he suggests. “Prime relics are practically indestructible.”

The bot was heavy, but not impossible to carry.

Thunderblast ducks, evading the shot. Shifting her left forearm into a subsonic repeater, the treacherous Heretic sends a burst of fire speeding toward Thrust.

Pelted from either side by the brothers’ attacks, Banzaitron stows his weapons as he leaps off the hull of the ship, transforming into his own starfighter mode. Jets of plasma stream from his engines as he rockets up toward Lightshift, firing a shot from each of the electromagnetic cannons under his wings.

“Any ideas?”

Sprocket studies Nova’s regenerating body as he battles Zepar.

“I’ve only ever read about Prime relics, man,” he laments. “And there’s not whole lot of scientific documentation on how they work…”

Zepar sidestepped to avoid the blast, feeling the bolt’s heat as it barely missed. His gaze was less of a warrior and more like pure anger and hatred were poured into a beast and it was not having any of this.

Epsilon looks at Topside, “Let’s hope they survive.” He said before beginning to step through the portal.

“I don’t especially care how it works, just about how to get it out of him.”

Nova lowers himself to the ground.

“Are you planning to glare me to death?” he taunts Zepar.

Considering this, Sprocket shrugs his shoulders.

“Keep blowing him up, then?” he suggests.

Topside and company follow through the portal, exiting to find themselves in the thick of the Heretics’ barrage. Clouds of smoke and ash hung in the air, leaving ominous silhouettes all that could be seen of the Decepticon warships above as they rained fire down upon the island.

Ahead, ■■■■■■■■■■■■, Grommet, Thrift and Lurch hide among a the ruins of a warehouse, watching the carnage.

“Eventually we’ll run out of munitions. We need to knock it out of him somehow.”

Spectrum hops up on Topside’s shoulder, scanning the situation. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:3829, topic:49995”]
Thunderblast ducks, evading the shot. Shifting her left forearm into a subsonic repeater, the treacherous Heretic sends a burst of fire speeding toward Thrust.

Thrust jumps and transforms, flying around Thunderblast in circles and firing his machine guns.

Vigor transformed and took off.

Lightshift barrel rolled and flew in front of the ship, taunting Banzaitron
“Fatso. He probably had too much energex for breakfast.” He laughed.

Sprocket nods, understanding.

“And we can’t just reach up and yoink it out of his chest, I’ll bet,” he says.

The Autobot scientist looks toward the horizon, at the Decepticon ships far away…

The situation was dire. Most of the pilgrim’s city was now demolished, with only the capitol building and a few blocks around it still standing. The defenses that Corona’s followers had managed to set up before the battle had done little to repel the assault. Bodies were scattered about the rubble, and one could only hope that most of our allies had found cover by now.

Salvation was not spared from the attack, but what little of the spaceport’s machines were currently active were working dutifully to mend her wounds, even as more ordnance fell upon the fleetcarrier.

Thunderblast pulls her cloak in front of her to block the shots, before assuming her own jet mode and taking off after Thrust.

Banzaitron screams after Lightshift, firing his ion blasters at the bot.

Spectrum pointed towards the bodies.
“We need to h-h-h-h-h-help-p-p them!” She sputtered worriedly. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:3837, topic:49995”]
Thunderblast pulls her cloak in front of her to block the shots, before assuming her own jet mode and taking off after Thrust.

Thrust flies at full speed away from the ship,

Lightshift turned off his engines, dropping straight down. The ion blasts would most likely hit the ship.
Beneath Banzaitron, Lightshift powered up again and flew up at the heretic’s belly, firing his guns.
Vigor fired at the jet as well.

“Hrm…” GC said. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Yup, that’s the plan,” Topside affirms, readying his rifle.

Thunderblast pursues, firing four more rockets at Thrust.

That they did. The blasts flare and leave scorch marks on the hull of the warship.

Banzaitron flies forward as the shots hit him, causing him to spiral down toward the hull of another ship nearby.

Sprocket watches as a shot from one of the Vigilant’s plasma cannons blasts apart a rock formation jutting from a cliff.

“…That’d hurt…” he hypothesizes.

“And, if the first shot doesn’t work, they’ll slug it out, and we can take out whoever lives with relative ease.”

Spectrum flipped out her medical tools. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:3840, topic:49995”]
Thunderblast pursues, firing four more rockets at Thrust.

Thrust directs himself towards another nearby ship. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:3840, topic:49995”]
Banzaitron flies forward as the shots hit him, causing him to spiral down toward the hull of another ship nearby.

Vigor and Lightshift pursue, firing their guns as they flew after Banaitron.

Pixel looked around for somewhere he could carry them, preferably nearby.

Sprocket nods, not quite understanding, but getting the gist.

“Now we just gotta get him to the island…”

Topside and company enter the fray.

Spectrum would unfortunately have plenty of opportunity to put her skills to use. Many bots were injured and trapped under rubble.

Thunderblast- and the rockets- keep up the chase.

Banzaitron reverts to robot mode as he rumbles along the hull, inadvertently evading many of the brothers’ shots. Shooting back up, the mercenary readies the ion blasters on his shoulders and forearms and returns fire upon the two.

The spaceport’s second control tower was nearby.

Spectrum began to assist the wounded who were not trapped.

Thrust waits until the last moment and tilts up, scraping the ship’s hull as he did so. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:3844, topic:49995”]
Banzaitron reverts to robot mode as he rumbles along the hull, inadvertently evading many of the brothers’ shots. Shooting back up, the mercenary readies the ion blasters on his shoulders and forearms and returns fire upon the two.

The two jets spin away, avoiding the shots. They continue firing their weapons.