Salvation: Part II

“You may have heard a traitor had been upon Salvation and that many believe that individual has perished but my instincts tell me we may not be in the clear as the traitor has managed to tell our enemies exactly where to find us and one who managed to be allowed on this ship and has such knowledge while remaining unknown wouldn’t let themselves be discovered as Road Lord did.” Zepar explained, “I want to make sure our enemies don’t know we have reinvented the Cortical Psychic Patch or we lose a potential advantage against them, hence my desire to keep this a secret.”

Daria tilts her head,
“So it’s not impossible that a colony could have been formed and hidden from our history?”

“I understand,” the AI says.

“I must say, however, that there is a distinction to be made between warranted caution and paranoia. Be mindful of which side of that line you walk, Zepar.”

“…No,” says Sprocket. “Hell, compared to the magitech god-machine we’re chasing down and the dying deity we’re trying to save with it, a lost colony doesn’t sound too far-fetched, really.”

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Daria smiles,
“Well, where there’s hope there’s a way. To be honest after all that’s happened in my life…well, past me would’ve never believed that she would end up on a ship to chase a legendary artifact in order to save our world. Past me would still be stuck, most likely in the war, making weapons for either side and selling… though after…that happened…Sorry I don’t want to bore you.”

“I understand.” Zepar said.

The hologram switched to that of Blight.

OOC: :+1:

“Woah woah woah,” Says Gatecrasher confused. “The Coral Psyco what now?”

Pixel smirks and charges at it, knowing full well what would happen.

Blight sits for a moment in the park, trying to both gather his thoughts and clear his mind. Neither were very effective.

“Sounds like you’ve had an eventful life,” Sprocket observes.

“A Cortical Psychic Patch,” the AI says, “is a device which allows two individuals to link their neural networks and interact in a virtual representation of their minds. It was commonly used for medical purposes in what you call the Golden Age.”

Daria wearily smiles,
“It has been an eventful life, some memories I feel were left better forgotten than remembered. Certain things were done that I’m not particularly proud of. Life as a weapon mechanic and smuggler wasn’t the safest job around.”

He’d go straight through the hologram, and the hologram would glitch out for a second.

Anybody near the hab-suites would hear the sound of something heavy being forcefully slammed into a wall.
“Empty!” came an angry shout. “They’re all empty!”

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“I don’t think anybody can say they’ve honestly been safe for the last five hundred years,” Sprocket says.

“I too, live a life fraught with peril,” Thrift comments.

“I’m sure,” Grommet deadpans to the junkion.


“T-t-t-t-t–t-t-t-t–t-t-t-t-ake that!” Pixel growls, stamping the ground. “N0W leave MEEEEE alone!”

Zepar waited to see how Gatecrasher would react to this information.

Daria comments looking at the planet below,
“I guess we’ve all been through our own hell, our own scars…but now we’re together and we are going to save our home… what are we saving it from? I got caught up with the fact that we were just going to save it… and may have forgotten what we were saving it from.”

“Our-selves…” Thrift says mock-profoundly, waving his red metal fingers through the air.

Sprocket sighs a curse under his breath and puts a hand to his forehead.

“Well I’m right, ain’t I?” Thrift insists. “It was five hundred years of this stupid war that frakked up the Allspark; and if the Bot Upstairs kicks the divine bucket, we go extinct.”

“How eloquently put,” Grommet quips.

Daria raises her hand as if she was going to say something, but puts it down. She sighs and comments,
“I guess that is a valid point. Though the answer is a bit depressing…”

“Yes, I’m getting all choked up,” Sprocket quickly says; clearly, something else on his mind was taking precedent, and Daria would be soon to find out why.

“Are we just gonna ignore the big revelation you and I just had? Y’know, the whole ‘lost colony’ thing? This is huge!”

“We were sharing backstories and angsting about our species’ violent and self-destructive nature!” Thrift says.

“We’ve been doing that for centuries!” Grommet replies. “Nothing new there.”

Pixel might hear the Splitter brothers snickering nearby.

“now that, sounds as useful as heck.”