Salvation: Part II

“Yep. Now, when can I start my experiments?”

“It’s hard to tell with these CR chambers, ma’am,” the medic says. “but I wouldn’t hold your breath.”

As before, the glyphs spelled out verses from The Covenant of Primus, speaking almost exclusively of Primus himself. They spoke of his battles with Unicron, his dedication to protecting all life from his evil brother, and how he sacrificed his physical form to create Cybertron.

…and his spark shall burn forever in the heart of his greatest creation; his will be the well from which all others will emerge, and one day return to…

“Slow down, Wildsong,” Quasar says. “Contrary to what you seem to believe, I don’t let just anybody waltz in here and start making supersoldiers.”

“Well I don’t want to make supersoldiers. I want to make combiner supersoldiers.”

“It talks about Primus…” He said, as he was translating as the hologram was talking about it. “…it also talks about Primus’ evil brother. Unicron, the Chaos Bringer.” He mentions. “How Primus sacrificed…his physical form to create Cybertron…”

He continued to read. “When it says, ‘and his spark shall burn forever in the heart of his greatest creation’ I think it either means, that Primus will be with us forever, or that Unicron will always loose against Primus’ greatest creation, the Thirteen Primes.” He said.

“Then the will of Primus is the well of all sparks from which we emerged and eventually, one day, will return back to…” He glances at Forcep, concluding the translation.

Split hopped back, lifting his foot up to avoid the shots. He fires his shotgun at Red, as the sword formed a shield on his right arm.

Quasar stares blankly at Wildsong.

"…That’s, uh… ambitious," he remarks, though his tone didn’t exactly convey much support or approval of her proposal.

Forcep nods.

“Yes, that does sound familiar,” he remarks.

Red is hit in the chest and falls over as Clip dashes forward, the jets on her back whooshing as they propel her forward. Drone lunges at Split again, clawing at his shield.

“W-well, I-I guess I’ll have to try and run it myself!” Juliana determined, "thank you.’ She says to the medic, before running to the Sunrise

When Juliana entered Little Iacon, it’d be hard for her not to notice the drastic changes to the miniature city’s layout. The entire main hangar had been reconfigured into an immense spherical chasm, with bridges and platforms stretching between the empty space. Tall, cylindrical towers rose from the floor far below, or hung down from the ceiling high above, and in the center of the cavern was an immense orb of blue light that pulsed gently, casting much of the new Little Iacon in a flickering cyan glow. Many crew members were simply standing around amidst the rebuilt city, gawking at their new surroundings.

Zepar nods, “Thank you, follow me.” He said as he turned to leave.

Topside gestures invitingly to the door to the lift.

“Lead the way,” he bids Zepar, following the angelicon.

Juliana took in her surroundings, too focused on finding the old watering hole to notice the changes in the city. Maybe those doors she worked so hard to acquire?

Interestingly, the door that Juliana had bought- salvaged by Thrift from a human ship- could be found in the side of one of the towers. The Omega Key hadn’t replaced it with a “proper” entrance. Red holographic letters spell out the name of the Antillian Sunrise above the olive drab door, though the pub seemed to be closed; there were no lights on inside.

Juliana jogged down, and tried the door handle, hoping it wasn’t locked.

Split held firm with the shield as he fired his shotgun at Clip.

Zepar leads Topside to the Science Wing by Shockwave’s lab, hoping he and Epsilon were still there.

Unfortunately, the door to the Antillian Sunrise was indeed locked.

Clip holds her sword out in front of her to block the shot, as Drone throws an uppercut at Split with his upper left arm.

Shockwave was still standing by the entrance of his lab, having remained completely silent while he waited for Zepar to return. Topside waves quickly to the cyclops, who does not return the courtesy.

She looked for a keyhole, if there was one.

There were none to be found on the door.

She checked the hinges.

The hinges seemed sturdy and secure.