Salvation: Part II

“The insecticons could monitor Facelift’s activities to ensure that he does nothing to endanger the crew, ship, or our mission,” Shockwave suggests.

Facelift taps his chin as he considers this option. The insecticons, for him, were preferable to Salvation’s official security.

“You know, Thrift taught me a wonderful saying for times like these,” the mad doctor says.

" ‘I don’t like it. I don’t agree with it. But I accept it.’ "

Epsilon gets the reference and stifles a laugh.

“Sorry, I understood the reference.” He said.

Topside, Facelift, and Shockwave stare curiously at Epsilon. The two cyclopes had no experience with Star Wars, while Topside just hadn’t seen Solo.

“It’s a reference to a Terran movie.” He explained.

“Probably, considering Junkions’ tendency to enjoy their culture and media a lot.” Zepar said respectfully.

A collective “ah” is heard as the mystery is dispelled. Shockwave doesn’t partake, of course.

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“So, is there anything anyone wants to say or is this conversation done?” Epsilon asked awkwardly.

“Yeah, I’d say we’re done here,” Topside says.

“And you are the boss,” Facelift points out. “Well, one of 'em, anyway.”

Juliana continued greeting patrons.

Split turns and blocks with his shield, before raising his shotgun and firing at Clip.

Spectrum explored the ship, looking for something interesting to do.

SideStep stood in a corner of the bridge, waiting for one of the crew members to mention something interesting that he could do.

Eventually, the flow patrons ceases.

Clip is sent sprawling as Drone fires another shot of slime at Split.

Spectrum might find the new chamber that the Omega Key had created in the back of the ship, replacing hangars thirty-one and thirty-two- a diamon-shaped room made of sand-colored metal, and largely featureless save for the large, round platform in its center, hovering above a dark pit. This platform was a polished silver in color, and bore the embellished and greebly designs commonly found on ancient cybertronian ships and ruins.

At the front of the bridge, Flyby activates the autopilot and turns to depart, before sighting SideStep.

“How long have you been standing there?” he asks.

“Let’s have a deal: I’ll make you a copy of the files, but first you have to prove me that you can provide me either the materials needed or the Sparks.”

I can’t,” Quasar says. “Not exactly, anyway.”

“As I told you before, the Vigilant doesn’t have what you’d need. The laboratories on the supply ships, however, would be more suitable. With a copy of your notes, however, I could see to it that you’re transferred to one of them and given the necessary equipment and materials.”

Song eyes him, considering the opportunity. After a few moments of silence she plugs a little USB into her computer.
“If you betray me I’ll chew your head alive.” she said, forgetting that she doesn’t have a dragon mode anymore.

“Again, you think too lowly of us, Autobot,” Quasar says.

“We’ll see.” she said, giving him the USB after finishing to copy the blueprints.

Split turns and shouts in surprise as the slime hits his midsection. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:5295, topic:49995”]
Spectrum might find the new chamber that the Omega Key had created in the back of the ship, replacing hangars thirty-one and thirty-two- a diamon-shaped room made of sand-colored metal, and largely featureless save for the large, round platform in its center, hovering above a dark pit. This platform was a polished silver in color, and bore the embellished and greebly designs commonly found on ancient cybertronian ships and ruins.

Spectrum curiously entered the chamber, looking around.[quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:5295, topic:49995”]
At the front of the bridge, Flyby activates the autopilot and turns to depart, before sighting SideStep.

“How long have you been standing there?” he asks.

“Uhhh…” SideStep silently counts in his head.
“A few hours, why?”

Quasar takes the datastick.

“Now then,” he says. “If that’s all, I’ll need some time to get everything in order. Why don’t you see if your quarters are ready?”

The slime instantly begins to harden as Drone resumes robot mode and swings a punch at Split’s face.

In the middle of the platform was a circular dais, around which four golden statues of cybertronian knights kneel before a models of the Cybertron and her colonies, hovering above a luminous white disk. One knight bore blue patterns and lights on his armor, and components suggesting an aerial alt-mode; the one to his right bore green lights, bestial features, and a chestplate formed from the wings of her draconic alt-mode; the third was lightly-armored, with clockwork mechanisms and purple lights visible on his limbs and midsection, along with verses from The Covenant of Primus written in cyberglyphics; and the fourth sported sleek armor accented by red conduits and trimming.

Around the dais was a ring of ancient glyphs, spelling out the following phrase:

The light of the Allspark shall illuminate even the darkest hours, and thwart the forces of chaos and evil, until comes the day when its children return to its embrace, and all are one.

Flyby’s eyebrows climb up his forehead.

“Huh…” he reacts. “That long?”

“No. I’ll stay here till further orders from Thunderblast only.”

Quasar growls as he activates his communicator.

“Your Excellency, your new… recruit refuses to leave the lab without your express command,” he says.

Thunderblast could be heard sighing thought the comlink.

“Wildsong, do heed the good doctor’s word and leave him be,” she groans. “He is your superior, after all.”

Song swears.
“If you mess with my project, I’ll kill you. She said, leaving.”