Salvation: Part II

“That was certainly uninteresting.” King-Quan would look around for something else that my catch his eye, something about the Thirteen Primes maybe?

Flyby nods.

“I’ll bet. I wasn’t there, myself.”

If King-Quan kept searching, he’d find the security recordings from Planet Omega’s forge.

“Yeah, we saw,” Headlong coughs.

King-Quan would eventually find security recordings. “Hmm, what is this?” He asked himself, as he played these recordings.

“And I also lost an engine, so I can’t fly.”

“Good for that.” Sidestep said, swirling his drink a little.


Flyby nods again.

“I bet it was,” he agrees.

The water around the rocks churns.

“Well, that’s unfortunate…” Headlong groans.

Water and stone are tossed high into the air as the Driller bursts into view, looming above Wildsong and her two allies. The blades on its five tendrils shriek as they chop through the air, and the snapping claws rush downward at their prey.

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SideStep gulped down some more of his drink.

“So… What do you wanna bet we actually save the universe?”

Flyby looks SideStep dead in the eye.

“Tell you what,” he says. “We find all the Omega Lock’s bits and pieces, stop Bludgeon, and save our people, I’ll give you two million.”

SideStep runs his chin.
“Deal.” He said, extending his hand for a shake.

“Run!!!” she said, as she jumped into the water.

Flyby clasps SideStep’s hand and shakes it.

Headlong and his friend follow, jumping into the sea after Wildsong as the Driller twists its body and dives down after them.

Song waved Headlong and his friend to catch her two hands on the side with the damaged wing, thinking that their weight should be enough to stabilise the other wing and liniary propell them to the surface.

Unfortunately, Headlong and his friend would be too heavy to stabilize Wildsong. They would have to find some other means to escape as the Driller shoots its tendrils out to grab the three. The beast snakes along the sea floor, its blades glistening through curtains of sand hanging in the water as they spin.

Song crossed herself as she turned on her one engine, diving wildly through the water, in hope of getting as far away of the driller as possible.

The Driller turns and lunges after Wildsong, powering through the water with its propellers at a speed greater than Wildsong could achieve. Its mouth opens to reveal rings of sharp, metal teeth that spin along tracks lining the creature’s throat.

Headlong and his friend were in a dire situation; neither of their alt-modes were built to work under the sea, and Headlong couldn’t even transform, at that. One of the Driller’s claws snatches him up, and the other Decepticon disappears in a cloud of sand.

Song flies upwards, before suddenly stopping and letting herself be hit by the speeding monster’s head. She then tries to force her two blasters between the Driller’s scales and opened fire.

Wildsong’s weapons inflict little damage upon the Driller, only irritating the beast. The creature groans as it twists its body and dives into the sea floor.

Song does her best trying to keep herself on the beast, shooting at it between its scales and using her second oair of arms to dig deeper onto its skin.

Wildsong’s attack does little to harm the Driller as it burrows head-first into the sand, throwing the Autobot off its maw and into the path of the blades chopping through the water along its body. Headlong, still in the grasp of one of the Driller’s claws, is dragged under with the beast.

Zepar tries to contact Lightshift, Vigor and Thrust (I hope I’m remembering their names right) on the comlink.