Salvation: Part II

“How are you?” she asked, trying to win the trust of the damaged scientist.

To that point in the hangar the only ones who showed up were Redstocker, Scorchlock, Alterion and Delta.

Pixel’s pieces all simultaneously turned and found a way to wave at their sister. Accepting a temporary truce, they stacked on top of each other and reformed their whole.

Which only added to his nervousness. The only one present he had had any time to speak with had shot his friend with little reason. No apology could simmer the fear bubbling in his spark.

“Oh, you three showed up too!” Redstocker said as he jumps out of the tribunes to meet Delta, Alterion and Blight.

Blight quivered momentarily. “Um… yeah.”

“How are you mister Blight?”

Spectrum clambered onto a seat in front of Pixel, letting her blocky feet dangle off of it.
“Ho-0-o-ow is?” she asked her brother.

Epsilon and Zepar continue to test this mental landscape, each with their own purpose. Zepar, wanting to help Shockwave develop this so, if a traitor rises, they can…seal any breaches in the ship’s crew.

Epsilon was more curious in his experimenting, testing how he could change his environment to make it feel more like home; warm lights from the street level windows as the shining, jewel-like lights of Cybertron’s skyscrapers towered to meet the stars in the heavens as dusk fell on the city of Iacon. This was Epsilon’s comfort memory, his ‘quiet place’ when he wanted to feel safer, feel like he was home.

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“Oh, I am doing great, thank you,” says Brainpan with a smile. “I just got a call saying I’m getting transferred to a new ship! Isn’t that exciting?”

Greasemonkey looks around the cavern; the Omega Key had added several giant light fixtures installed around Engineering, illuminating the machinery crowding the expanse.

“I must say, the added illumination is much appreciated,” the cyborg comments. “I cannot fathom how Decepticons can work in darkness.”

Zepar would find that the simulation was growing more unstable the more he and Epsilon demanded of it. The horizon begins to ■■■■■ from a pale green to a muted shade of red.

Golden columns rise out of the grey floor as the simulation attempts to recreate the ancient and elaborate towers of Iacon, dotted with twinkling lights as tiny bridges wove themselves out of thin air between the buildings.

@meepinater Motherboard’s map is uploaded to SideStep’s onboard computer, displaying locations of interest in Engineering, Sprocket and Grommet’s lab, and the security hub above Little Iacon.

“Yeah, you are coming with me.” she said, smiling.

Zepar tried to keep his desired manipulations simple.

Epsilon, however, was becoming very excited as he tried to make his ‘comfort memory’ as clear as possible, not realizing how unstable the simulation was becoming.

Brainpan’s eyes widen as a smile creeps across her face.

“That. Is. Fantastic!” she squeals. “I’ve been thinking about a few more modifications I could do for you- like another arm, but I figured you have enough of those. What about legs? Would you like another pair of legs? There are certain advantages that come with being a quadruped, you know. But then you can’t really sit down anywhere so… I guess that’s what you’d call an acceptable sacrifice, I think- unless you like sitting down. I don’t, personally…”

The simulation continues to build Iacon around Epsilon as the sky begins to assume a darker shade of red. The lights on the towers flicker as some the bridges and platforms between the buildings cease rendering.

“Epsilon, slow down.” Zepar said nervously as the simulation was showing the strain being put on it, “I don’t want to find out what it feels like when a Cortical Psychic Patch crashes.”

Epsilon looks at Zepar, “Huh?”

“Brainpan!” Song suddenly stopped her. “Look, if from now on you are going to be my assistant, you must follow my rules. Rule number one: less talking.”

Juliana continued working in the Sunrise, hoping that Halfrunner would return soon.

Gatecrasher on the other hand, was sitting on a rock in the park, with his eyes closed. His new spear was strapped to his back. (OOC: consider this an invitation.)

Laslow on the other hand, was looking into the armory, trying to see if Salvo was in. (@Chromeharpoon)

Thin, jagged veins of white light run along the ground- “cracks” representing the stress being put on the simulation. Clearly, the Patch needed some work before it could be put to any real use.

The junkion DJ appeared to be getting the hang of catering to the patrons of the Sunrise, in addition to his usual duties of providing the ambient music. If Juliana desired a break from tending to the pub, it seemed that she could indulge herself.

Salvo was sitting on a workbench, a bored expression on her face as the nearby Thrift continued to pitch wild ideas for new weapons of mass destruction.

“Okay, how’s this,” the junkion opens, “we take one of those magna-frag launchers, and we mod it to shoot dimensional decimators?”

No!” Salvo groans. “Thrift, do you understand what a bad idea is?”

“I tend to reserve judgement on the schemes of myself and others until after they’ve been attempted,” Thrift explains.

Brainpan promptly shuts her mouth, nodding her head attentively.

“Got it,” she says. “Less talking. I can do that. I can talk less. Now that I’ve got a partner I guess I don’t need to talk so much anyhow- your voice can fill the oppressive silence, too!”

Juliana took her chance, and sat down at a stool at the bar. Taking a moment for a breather.

“Are ya’ll busy?” Laslow asked. “I can come back later.”

An Autobot and a Decepticon were seated nearby, talking.

“Yep,” the Autobot says to her unlikely partner, “I checked the records myself: Matchstick died fifty years ago on Conventus. Shot right through the spark- ain’t no coming back from that.”

“Which means that Mallet guy’s telling the truth,” the Decepticon says. Sheesh… chasing each other around the galaxy for eight hundred years…"

“No, no I’m not busy!” Salvo quickly says jumping at the chance to be free of Thrift’s company.

“Always room for one more in the conversation!” Thrift adds in a welcoming tone.

Juliana half-listened to the conversation.

“I mean, if you don’t mind. I’ve come to get a new DMR”

SideStep decides to start with the Security hub, transforming into vehicle mode and driving to the location.

“Shockwave, I think we need to disconnect the patch.” Zepar said. “I don’t think any of us want to see the effects of a crash on one’s brain module.”